20 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – August 30 2020”

  1. The town of Brookline is now ordering even those who are “medically excluded” from the rule about wearing a mask in public to have a plastic shield.

    The town implemented the mask order back in March, long before the state. It may have been the very first if not one of the first to do so.

    It will be interesting if this expands statewide at some point later.

    1. Good for them. As you k ow Macs cousin lives in Brookline. The residents were very good about complying but then got a bit lax. I have not seen if there was a spike that caused them to put this into place or if they are thinking ahead to fall

      1. I didn’t know Mac’s cousin lives in Brookline. I go there quite often to shop and medical appointments. 🙂

  2. Had everyone followed Brookline’s lead in April of this year, we’d be pretty much Covid-free across the nation by June. And, we would have spared the nation of >110,000 deaths.

    I realize Brookline’s a liberal place and that paradoxically liberals sometimes prioritize measures that limit individual freedom. But, in public health this is a good thing.

    I don’t like absolutes of any kind. Individual freedom is a concept that if taken to an extreme can lead to Hobbesian anarchy. Nobody wants that.

    1. Of course we all should have been wearing masks from the get go in March. That is the fault of Dr. Fauci early on insisting that we should NOT wear them.

      Iirc Gov. Baker didn’t give the mask order until May 6. Not totally certain but that particular date sticks out in my mind. Can you corroborate that Joshua?

      1. Yes, you are correct.

        I said that imposing a mask mandate in April (together with physical distancing rules), because it was known in the public health community after a series of published articles in early April that masks helped. Prior to that there wasn’t much scientific evidence.

      1. Yikes! Joshua, you mean there was NO scientific evidence regarding masks for the past 100 years since the last epidemic?!?

        Then I may have to take back my mild criticism of Dr. Fauci? 😉

        1. FWIW I can tell you that induction cooking is far and away superior to both gas ans standard electric. Whatever Matt has to say, I will absolutely agree with

          1. Again, what about if/when the power grid fails? There will always be power outages as long as there are trees next to power lines.

              1. Then this. I have a long history with power grid. So if one goes all will go. But if we don’t do something about emissions, all will go regardless

                “If the power grid goes down, water and natural gas will fail soon thereafter, so planning is critical. The power grid is one of those things we take for granted, but it’s time to acknowledge that it’s getting older, reaching capacity and under attack.“

  3. My criticism of Brookline is that they want to completely get rid of all fossil fuels within the next decade or something like that and rely on electricity only. I forget where I read that but it was fairly recent.

    Electric would be very expensive, but I would imagine Matt would be delighted. No thanks, I like my fossil fuel for heating (oil)& cooking. If my electric goes out, I can at least still cook on my “gas” stove!

    1. If they are going to rely on electricity only, they may want to think about putting most of their utilities underground before then. Although that’s something that should have been in progress for a long time now.

      1. Huge debate on underground in the utility industry.As a start but definitely not a finish… As we know since mine is underground. When power goes out at the source, Does not matter where your lines are. That said….the answer is to move back to standards we had before corporate American called the shots….as I’ve listed before

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