3 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – June 24 2022”

    1. The case numbers are much higher, unfortunately.

      In NYC, there are lines of folks waiting to get tested at clinics and also receive vaccines. In the case of monkeypox, the vaccine actually serves as a treatment, too. In NYC, they’ve run out of vaccine today and have told people to come back next week. Testing rollout is very slow and problematic, too.

      In Britain they have nearly 900 confirmed cases, with many more test results pending. There’s no way the U.S. case numbers – I believe we’re at 150 confirmed cases nationwide – are an accurate count of the actual number of monkeypox cases. I believe we’re in the thousands at this point in the U.S.. It doesn’t spread like coronavirus. But, it does spread fairly quickly, and we’re just not on top of it. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? I can tell you one thing. If there was a lot of money to be made, from testing, vaccines, or treatments, we’d be addressing the problem. Market forces would be the driving force. But, all tests, vaccines, and treatments are old, genericized, and inexpensive. There isn’t much money to be made, and so the U.S. `system’ – which is SO money-focused – ignores the issue, relatively speaking.

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