14 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – September 30 2022”

  1. Joshua, do u know what the predominant strain is right now in the US? Are we still on subvariants of Onicron or is there something new out there?

  2. Ace, the predominant strain is still BA.5 but it is diminishing. BA.4.6, BA.7, and BA.275.2 are gradually talking over. Unlike previous sub-variant takeovers this one appears to be a multi-pronged effort on the part of the Omicron variant parent.

  3. I’m sorry I won’t be able to participate as much in the chat in the near future.

    My son has had a bad relapse with his severe depression. He’s in a terrible state right now. It’s been building up to a dark crescendo this week. Unlike previous times, he doesn’t seem to want to get better now. I’m at my wit’s end, as is my ex-wife. It’s a nearly impossible situation to be in, which I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy, both for the patient and the parents.

  4. Oh no Joshua. I cannot begin to tell you how upsetting this is. My very best to you and positive thoughts and prayers for your son.

  5. Thanks everyone for your well wishes. Body dysmorphia is an insidious disease. Truly awful.

    I made the unfortunate mistake of tuning into sports radio as a distraction while cooking. I heard a conversation about concussions and someone specialized in neuropsychiatry called in. He was thoughtful. But, as is often the case, anything having to do with the brain and cognition is downplayed by people who don’t know what they’re talking about. The specialist said that a QB who was concussed may not be able to make certain cognitive decisions properly, including ones that would determine whether he should play or not. He’s right. There’s a lot we don’t know about the brain and brain injury. Of course, the talk show hosts practically ignored this.

    My son doesn’t have a brain injury, but his brain has malfunctioning synapses, to be sure. You wouldn’t think this was the case if you met him (though he is on the autistic spectrum, he’s high functioning). But lurking beneath the facade is a horrific disease that can lead to suicide. He’s been institutionalized twice in the past 3 years, and may have to go again.

  6. Briefly on my Covid and flu shots. I had no side effects whatsoever except for a somewhat sore arm. I count my small blessings during troubled times like these.

  7. Joshua, so sorry about your son. This is the first I am hearing of this. I hope he can recover at least to some extent someday soon.

    Is your son in the UK with your daughter (his sister) or is he here in the U.S.? I forget.

  8. Joshua I’m very sorry to hear about your son. I (and we all) hope for the best. This chat will still be here through the end of the year and possibly beyond depending on the state of the situation with Covid. My intention is to leave it in place until there is no longer a pandemic declaration.

    In the months ahead, the platform and possibly location of WHW may likely shift and change, but if that should happen before the end of the pandemic, this chat would likely move with it. Just wanted you to know that in case you can’t check in for a while. Please focus on your son. We’ll be here and sending our support. Thank you for all you do here. You’ve been a source of information that was always consistent, honest, and to the point and as I referred to you, the “go-to-guy on my blog” for pandemic info.

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