23 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – November 9 2020”

  1. The Pfizer news regarding trial results from their vaccine is positive. BUT, always view announced summaries of results with still a relatively small N of 94 with caution. I wish these announcements would only be made once the data can be fully analyzed by scientists. I feel like these announcements drive investors, but are not especially helpful for actual clinical practice.

    In the meantime, the focus should be mitigation. Ideally, Biden’s transition team, which Vicki refers to above in the link, should cooperate with the Trump Administration’s team. After all, this should be a national and not partisan effort. This is unlikely to happen.

    If there was a time for a government of national unity, it would be now. But, the U.S. is fractured.

    I’m not optimistic about resolving this problem of disunity any time soon. In fact, I’m not yet convinced the election outcome will be certified and ratified, if you will, by the Electoral College.

    Look for a turnaround in European numbers this week and next. We’re already seeing solid evidence of that in the Netherlands and a few other countries. The Dutch have halved (!) the numbers of new daily cases compared to 10 days ago.

      1. I’m not sure I understand how the OWS is good if it doesn’t fund Pfizer development. Is this a partisan game or an oversight or maybe for a reason I don’t understand.

        I do hope that Fauci is on Biden’s team and possibly Ron Klain. I am not as familiar with Trumps’ team as I should be because of course he barely listened. He also had a habit of appointing folks who only bowed to his views. Is the covid team he has above that?

        Thanks, Joshua!

    1. If the election is not certified, I suspect this country will at that point cease to exist as we once knew it. Trump says he has death certificates of some who voted. He had a birth certificate of Obama also……….or said he did and then he didn’t. If they do exist, I absolutely believe he and his team would convincingly have planted these just in case. Think I’m being far fetched? Remember, the sharpie and the path of the storm?

      1. Don’t know, but I am very concerned about the certification or lack thereof of the election. I think many are underestimating what the President and his team will do. Until major GOP figures like Graham, McConnell, Cruz, McCarthy cease to express doubts about the outcome we’re going to be in a long and protracted battle.

        On a different note. Operation Warp Speed was and is a good Trump Administration initiative. Even though Pfizer wasn’t part of it, there are other vaccine candidates/manufacturers that are. And, we’ll need an array of vaccines to resolve the crisis. Also, several therapeutics have been developed with OWS funding.

        And then a technical note. I think everyone should pause to reflect on two things regarding the Pfizer results: 1. The trial analysis is 58% through. Still another 68 patients to analyze. And even then the N is rather small, so much so that … 2. I’m not great at statistics, but the “90%” figure is a bit misleading. In the trial, 0.38% of the placebo group got infected versus 0.0409% of the treatment group. That implies a 95% confidence interval for vaccine efficacy of 40%. It’s the 95% confidence interval that one is supposed to look at.

        1. Joshua, why are you so concerned that there will even be the remote possibility that the Electoral College won’t certify the election results? What legal challenges from Trump would stick at this stage?

          1. Philip, this comment by Joshua is my fear as well…..” I think many are underestimating what the President and his team will do.”

            I absolutely guarantee he spent the lead up to the election setting all sorts of “traps.” It is the only darned thing he is good at. His manipulation skills are without comparison IMO. I said from the start when I sent txts to friends as CNN announced Biden winner that it ain’t over till the fat man shuts up. And it isn’t

            1. The last 4 words of your statement cracked me up. Good one, Vicki! 😀

              Well, the Biden team has lawyers as well to equal the challenge! I get the impression now that most candidates over the years always had legal teams, just in case. Up until now, they were gracious enough to accept their defeats and chose not to utilize them.

              I heard, in fact, that Hillary Clinton did consult with her legal team before conceding gracefully.

              1. HRC waited too long as I seem to recall to thank her supporters and to concede so I would not be surprised. I had a ton of trouble voting for her but knew what trump was so it was a vote for the country from me.

              2. FWIW Biden now has more votes in PA than trump won PA by in 2016. Hypocrisy abounds.

                It will be interesting to see if Trump gets ballots thrown out in Ga, do the Democrats then take senate 😀

  2. Listening to Biden now. It is a breath of fresh air. As scary as covid is, truth comforts and a confidence that he sees truth and it will finally be addressed may finally bring us back from the brink

  3. Just for the record, why hasn’t North Carolina been officially declared by now? It is leaning towards Trump with 100% of the tally. I say let him have that one, just to tidy up. 😉

    As for Georgia, it has to come to a recount. Is that Trump’s challenge or are election officials doing that on their own?

  4. It’s now apparent Europe is already past peak or peaking, with several regions showing sustained declines in numbers of new daily cases. Deaths continues to mount, but they’re a lagging indicator. Hospitalizations are still quite high, but no longer increasing nearly as much if at all across many regions. The U.S. has not peaked. This is evident from new daily cases, but more importantly the very concerning rise in new hospitalizations. In many states we have no strategy, well, except herd immunity. So, I expect our troubles to continue long past the time that Europe has things under control.

    Dr. Ben Carson is sick. That was totally avoidable. No masks, no distancing, and an indoor `party.’ Why? The ignorance is so transparent.

    1. According to HUD’s Chief if Staff Andrew Hughes, Dr. Carson is “resting at his house and is beginning to feel better.”

      Will these DT followers ever learn?

  5. My admin account is down for a few hours…
    Use this post for C-19 chat until I am able to update later. I’ll let you know when that happens.

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