17 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – November 15 2020”

  1. Some stores around the US are starting to experience toilet paper shortages again. Something to keep in mind. I’ve been buying a little here and there when numbers were down mainly so I wouldn’t have to make trips to grocery stores during the height of this next wave.

    1. I had to laugh last week when I saw that Hannaford had an electronic coupon for a free eight-pack of toilet paper. Even stranger, they were actually available in the store.

      1. Dishwashing liquid has been flying off shelves for more than a month now. Pretty much anything “cleaning” related is in short supply. You name it. I would say stock up now on almost any item you can think of, no matter how “basic” it may seem. Make sure you have enough of “whatever” through next month if not January. The nation is on panic mode once again. I heard of nationwide shortages through at least the beginning of 2021.

        1. Panic mode helps NOBODY. We need to get over the “freak out about everything” mentality. It only gets us in more trouble.

          1. It is more than panic I’m afraid. In talking to local farmers, they are finding that it has been hard to get the goods they normally would have to stock shelves. The supply simple is not there. When it reaches our farms, we will be in a great deal of trouble.

            The discussions with them was the reason we got freezers.

            Interesting as well ….I spoke to several supply groups for meat and seafood. The seafood business which is rated as one of the top was not shipping to Massachusetts because our delivery companies would not guarantee timely delivery. One local place on the cape said they’d drive the seafood to Sutton before shipping as fedex was jacking up costs.

    2. People should have learned by now there’s no need for hoarding anything.

      I hate to sound pessimistic, but I think most other countries learned this lesson more quickly and easily than we have here. Is what it is.

      That said, the grocery store I was at had plenty of everything today…

        1. Too many people working at the suppliers are put with covid. There are of course other reasons as well. Drought has not helped. Fires have not helped. It just isn’t what we see re weather related cleaning the shelves. It is very real and the consumer may add a bit to it but for good reason and they are far and away not the cause.

          I posted this on here a few months ago. You may have missed it

          1. Yes. I agree with all of that. You are correct.
            Sadly the hoarding was still an issue. For the amount of people I saw (around March / early April) that posted on their pages about having bought so much of this or that, I wonder how many did the same and didn’t boast on social media. But you are correct that the other difficulties (natural and otherwise) play a big role.

    3. I have a pile about 6 feet high. I have been buying a little more than we
      need each and every week. Been stocking up on soup and pasta as well.

      1. I need to stock up on soup and canned vegetables which I do every fall for the winter. Even more reason to given this situation we’re in.

        1. TK – That grocery store you were in today could have rows of empty shelves by midweek. I have experienced it far too often this year. Even if I don’t particularly need an item I normally buy, if I see it, I’ll get it anyway.

          It’s no fun seeing rows of empty shelves, at least for me personally. 🙁

  2. 13th straight week of 100,000 + cases per day in the US.

    Yesterday, Massachusetts had 2,800+ new cases!*@#*(!@^&#^&!@^&

      1. Except trump refusing to concede means Biden isn’t privileged to the info he should but. He can’t even talk to Fauci. So trump is literally doing nothing now to address covid and making sure Biden will have to take extra time to get on board

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