16 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – November 16 2020”

  1. It appears now that the vaccine will be available to general public by April.

    I just hope that with Trump not conceding doesn’t interfere with the timeframe. SAD!!!

    1. Doesn’t matter what he does . He’s not going to be the president what is it January 20th . He will be physically removed from the premises if he does not follow the protocol . The secret service & the FBI who have authority over this premises does not take sides.

      1. Oh I understand that. It’s just that with Trump not conceding, he’s delaying Biden’s plans with his own Covid-19 Task Force and contacts with Dr. Fauci. In the end, it probably won’t make much difference, but still…

        1. I agree he is going to make it difficult on his way out . I heard on WBZ radio driving In this morning that more republicans are urging him to Accept this as the courts don’t even want to hear these insane accusations being thrown out there by Trump . But the new team is already working on many things . I believe the president elect will be speaking today on some economic plans for the future . In the end Trump is hurting his own future moving forward in the political world .

  2. On vaccines the word is caution. I’m cautiously optimistic. But, I need to see a peer-reviewed publication first before I can truly evaluate the claims made by Moderna and Pfizer. What we have are very promising glimpses into the datasets, but nothing peer-reviewable.

    My latest is on reinfections. People who have been infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19 might believe that they are now protected against future infection. They’re not necessarily. https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2020/11/16/though-rare-the-number-of-reinfections-with-covid-19-is-growing/?sh=24ae308c8ac9

    1. Indeed. Boris Johnson is quarantining after coming in contact
      with an infected person, even though he already had it
      in April.

  3. Thank you, Joshua.

    Philip and SSK and others…..trump has not met with his covid team in five months. Pence is leading the meetings but clearly trump has ignored any and all recommendations. And on top of that we now face two months with a president who is literally doing nothing but sulking and having tantrums.

    Of all times to have a president who has checked out of anything that doesn’t directly benefit him, sure isn’t now……covid cases are out of control.

    How Biden is managing to maintain control And continue to focus solely on what is best for this country….all of this country… says more about him As a person than anything else

    1. I think we have elected the right man for the Job.
      Now only if the outgoing president would act presidential, but
      I see that it is completely beyond him as he is not wired that

      He is beyond out of control. It speaks volumes as to what kind
      of people elected him in the first place and even worse
      the complicit republicans who continue to support him and his warped thinking.

  4. I heard on the morning news that there were Covid-19 cases in Italy as far back as last September 2019, but remained silent.

    I am beginning to wonder now if this pandemic could truly have been nipped in the bud long before it got to Trump’s awareness. Not that I am excusing him by any means, of course.

    1. I cried as I read this. For more reasons than I can name.

      I Have said this before but …..I remember watching The Japanese people share jugs of water with each other after the tsunami. Mac watched with me for a while and then quietly …as if it hurt him to say…..commented that Americans faced with a true crisis would never both understand this or do this.

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