10 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – December 23 2020”

  1. Re: $2,000.00

    Has the WH been visited by 3 “spirits” recently?

    While I am still looking forward to Biden being sworn in on January 20th, I’m not particularly thrilled about the Democrats at the moment for going along with that $600 “insult” and giving lots of money to foreign countries for pet projects. As for that pitiful stimulus check, up until now I had assumed it was all the Republicans doing.

    1. Nah. Trumps is ricked At McConnell and wants to force Republicans to see who votes against him. Philip, there is very little of any decency remaining there

    2. The dems are not happy and are putting together a separate bill. But it was that or nothing. Frankly in not happy with either party at the moment

  2. Gov. Baker now goes draconian with the new 25% capacity limit. It is bad enough having long lines inside grocery stores at checkout. Soon they will be outside just trying to get in with probably many minutes wait time. This really stinks IMO! 🙁

    I really don’t believe most businesses are the actual source of the flare ups in cases.

    1. I usually do the grocery store at “off” hours…9am, 6pm…never before a storm or 48 hrs before a holiday. And I think it’s restaurants, bars and gyms causing the spikes around here. You know people are whipping off their masks for the entire meal/drink time, not just when they’re actively biting/chewing (I admit that’s weird). Maybe not wiping down equipment well enough and people going to work when they may feel just a little sick because they get whined at by management and don’t want to lose their jobs/need the money. Look at the case in Oregon…one person went to work slightly ill, now 300 people q-tined and 7 deaths are traced back to him/her.

  3. I recognize schools can be a 3rd rail issue, and my lens is colored by my own personal experience being the principal of an elementary school and having my wife as a teacher in another school and 2 children different schools, all of which have managed in person learning without any COVID spread in our schools. An interesting report that came out last week that I’ve heard Cambridge is using to guide additional reopening in January.


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