13 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – January 19 2021”

  1. The next two weeks are, in my view, the most important in this pandemic. Are we going to continue to see positive trends in terms of case growth (down), hospitalizations (down), and vaccinations (up) ? All three are trending in the right direction. But challenges remain, including supply issues for vaccinations, and the B1117 and other more infectious variants (my biggest fear is the Brazilian and South African variants).

    On the European continent there’s a mixed bag of positive news (case growth and hospitalization numbers) and concerning news (more infectious and potentially more lethal variants beginning to dominate).

    All bears watching closely, especially today through Friday and next Tuesday through Friday – as these are the days with the clearest picture of trends.

    1. Hopefully once Biden is sworn into office tomorrow, he can start implementing his plans to trend things in the right direction.

  2. Vaccine #1 completed!
    Didn’t even feel it going in.
    To be honest, taking the bandaid off an hour later hurt more. 😉

    My next shot will be on February 9.

      1. Very minor soreness in and around injection site about 2 1/2 hours after I got it. Now we’ll see if I get any of the aches and/or low grade fever that sometimes follow this.

        My boss told me “Plan on taking the next day off” but I plan on taking Tylenol (if I need it) and going straight to work. 😉

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