29 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – April 23 2021”

  1. Got my second pfizer shot yesterday at around 11:15am. The firefighter who administered it said if I do have a reaction it would probably be 12-24 hours later. Sure enough almost 12 hours on the dot I started violently shaking from being both hot and cold. I felt cold but by body temp was very high. I took an advil as he advised but I wish I had taken it BEFORE the onset of my body doing this. It took a few hours for me to stop shaking. A few more hours after that to feel in a state that I could get some sleep. Woke up about four hours later (about an hour ago) and am definitely still very warm though not as blazing hot as last night. I also ache in a lot of places. Took another advil so here’s hoping that helps.

    1. Dr. Be careful with Advil. From what I have been seeing, they have been advising to use Tylenol if needed, as Advil and some of its characteristics work against the vaccine I think.

      1. I had seen something (inconclusive) to that effect, so I asked the nurse who gave me my first shot. She said that either was fine and to use whichever generally works better for me. Happily, I didn’t need to take anything.

        1. Found this on CDC site

          Helpful Tips
          Talk to your doctor about taking over-the-counter medicine, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin, or antihistamines, for any pain and discomfort you may experience after getting vaccinated. You can take these medications to relieve post-vaccination side effects if you have no other medical reasons that prevent you from taking these medications normally.

          It is not recommended you take these medicines before vaccination for the purpose of trying to prevent side effects.

      2. According to the CDC, the advil site and other sources I felt safe enough to take advil. I still have a 101 fever 35 hours later so that’s fun.

    2. Sorry to hear. My son had the same reactions to it.
      He had Covid during the Winter and he said his reaction
      to the Pfizer was worse than when he actually had Covid.
      He described it pretty much as you did.

    3. Yikes. My sin in law had the same. Also pfeizer. My daughter said she woke up to the bed shaking and thought the dog had jumped up and was scratching. Took him the next day to feel better. Take it slow and hope you feel better soon

      I was chilled but no chills. But the worst of it didn’t start for 30 hours. But I react late to everything

    1. Great write up Joshua. Pretty frightening. I only hope that the US gets enough citizens vaccinated soon enough to hear this off.

  2. After 24 hours of receiving my #2 Pfizer shot, I feel fine with no issues other than a little bit of stiffness in my shoulder. All is good.

    I will say, however, the parking lot attendant here at work received her #2 shot Tuesday and had to take Wednesday off as she felt really ill. She’s much better now though.

    It is clearly obvious now that these #2 shots affect people in very different ways.

  3. Well as scared as my wife is of receiving the vaccine, she got brave and agreed to get the J&J vaccine and was scheduled for
    4/15. Of course 2 days before that, the CDC pulled that vaccine.
    Oh well, now what?

    She has health conditions and severe allergies and is deathly afraid of the Moderna and Pfizer.

    Our daughter also has severe allergies and her allergist recommended Moderna. She received her 2nd shot on Sunday. Although no Anaphylaxis, she got very sick with a 102 fever, aches and pains and chills etc. And she got covid arm.

    As long as my wife doesn’t go Anaphylaxis, she will also try the Moderna and put up with the bullshit.

    I have her booked for next Wednesday, the 28th at a local neighborhood health center 2.7 miles from the house.

    We are hoping for the best. She does not want to stay in the house for the rest of her life!

    Does anyone know the rules on medication prior to and after vaccine administration? Many thanks

    1. I have seen that you can take Tylenol if you have side effects but to not take in advance, as it might work against the body’s intended response to the shot. As far as reg prescription meds, check with the pharmacy but I didn’t think there were too many restrictions there from what I have heard,

    2. I’ll second north re taking meds before. Even AARP sent out a caution as it weakens the effects of the vaccine. It does with flu shots also

      I did a fair amount of research re meds after plus spoke to some doctors and yes Tylenol; but also if you would normally take ibuprofen, they recommend you take that. My best advice is to ask Mrs Os’s doctor.

      I had an identical reaction to your daughter. I had moderna. But it really is short lived and I had planned to do nothing.

  4. Philip, good to hear that you have minimal side effects from shot #2.

    JPD, wishing your wife well.

  5. Vicki, unfortunately the Biden Administration is refusing to help India. It won’t even lift the embargo on raw materials to supply Indian vaccine manufacturers. It says it “prioritizes the American people first.” Well, that’s great. But, we have enough vaccines. And many of the vaccines we’ve stockpiled we’re never going to use. Further, why on earth would we embargo the export of raw materials for vaccine production. Yet another day of terrible disappointment in the Biden Administration. He’s a decent man. I’m less than pleased with his soft power skills, if you will. India needs help now. We can do much more than we’re doing. Ultimately helping India will help us. No nation can simply succeed on its own in this fight and then think the battle is over, unless we plan on living in bubbles the rest of our lives. Some days I think Biden and many Americans are content to forget about the outside world. This is not just a Trump thing. I’ve noticed it for decades. It’s a strange phenomenon for a nation made up of immigrants.

    1. My guess is that many Americans will support his view. I’m surprised at Biden as I had hoped he was above this. I’m not surprised as the exclusiveness of many Americans. The belief that we are above all is not new but this time it is going to come back and bite us in the arse.

      Again I will say …you cannot fix stupid

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