13 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – May 1 2021”

      1. Yes, Joshua. Very good article as always. I suspect though, that there will likely be much hesitancy with the boosters especially from those who had rough side effects from the previous two shots.

        Mrs. JPD immediately came to my mind, for example. Not to mention others here.

        1. How many will be willing to suffer possibly a third time, even though it will likely be for his/her own good in the long run?

  1. I am seeing several walk in vaccine sites popping up now. I’m not sure if that is a good sign or does it mean the many still unvaccinated are planning to remain so.

    Hope everyone who had the vaccine last week is back to feeling like him or herself.

    1. I like the idea of walk in vaccine sites. Ironically, one in my neighborhood of Dorchester opened up out of the blue last month at a former supermarket and after a few hours was immediately shut down by officials. This was back when the state website was still crappy.

      From what I can tell from the tv news, it was quite successful while it lasted. Plenty of takers (long line). You would think it would have been welcome.

  2. Joshua, why is Brookline not lifting its outdoor mask order with the rest of the state?

    I would’ve expected Boston and/or Somerville to wait, if anything.

    I don’t get it. Why are Brookline officials so afraid? Are their Covid cases on the “high” side?

    1. I don’t have an answer and am curious also. I do know folks on the whole in Brookline were VERY mask conscious all along.

      1. They were one of the first if not THE first in the state to mandate masks in public, long before Gov. Baker.

    1. Thanks SC. These vaccines get more intriguing with time. Hopefully they will be perfected soon.

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