35 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – July 15 2021”

  1. Joshua,

    I have not been checking in on this page for some time now.
    I checked yesterday’s posts.

    I must say, I owe you one large grateful THANK YOU for all you
    contribute on this page! Outstanding job.

    I am very concerned about the delta variant and even more concerned with the startling large numbers of unvaccinated persons. Frightening. Very much plenty of hosts available for this to mutate yet again. Then what will we have?
    Something even MORE DEADLY? Very possible.

    I blame most of this vaccine hesitancy on the facist pig, donald trump. He was/is the worst thing EVER to happen to this country and it sickens me to death that he still has followers even to this day. How he is NOT in jail is beyond me.

    1. But yet, Donald Trump did get his vaccine, so you would think his followers would have done the same.

      Go figure.

      1. We should all thank Joshua for keeping this Covid page going as he has provided very valuable info on this pandemic, much like TK does over on WHW. I certainly have absolute ZERO medical knowledge.

        Thanks Joshua!

      2. He did, but he delayed getting it and when he did, he didn’t do a good job of telling his lemmings to follow suit.
        Yes, he finally got on air and said something, but it was too little too late and it was not a meaningful urging on his part
        at all.

        If he didn’t call it a hoax and didn’t belittle mask wearing in the first place, we would have been in much better shape and hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved.

        Trump’s policies and his moronic handling of pandemic cost
        lives! far too many lives!

        Take a look at this. His idiot base still refuses vaccination.


  2. JPD. Trump was, is, and will continue to be a clear and present danger to our country, our democracy, our world. I posted this last night. It is not just the covid vaccine, Tennessee is now including ALL vaccines from HPV to flu to routine. It is all in an effort to garner Trump’s favor.


    All of that said, our own agencies are not helping. Mixed messages create vaccine hesitancy.

    As for Joshua…..I truly don’t think enough can be said about the information he shares here. It is truly invaluable. Thank you, Joshua.

    1. I did read what you posted yesterday. Unfathomable!
      I can’t believe that we have such MORONIC IDIOTS in powerful positions making life altering decisions like that!

      Truly unbelievable.

      This if fine with me


      However, innocent lives are NOT fine with me and it is disgraceful!

  3. Thank you all for your kind words.

    Want to quickly post a photo from an indoor conference in Switzerland, a country that’s handling the Delta variant fairly well. Much better than many other European nations. Germany is also handling the pandemic much better than many others. You’ll notice in the picture the use of masks and distancing, and not a lot of people in the room. I’m almost certain that all attending the conference are fully vaccinated. Yet, they adhere to protocol. I think this is prudent at this time. So, no lockdown. No closures of everything. Just some common sense rules. https://twitter.com/IlonaKickbusch/status/1415674310484586508/photo/1

  4. Am I correct that only 16% of Japanese citizens have been fully vaccinated??

    From what I can tell from all the restrictions at the Olympics including no spectators, etc. they might as well have held it last year as scheduled.

    1. Yes. Very slow roll-out. Too slow. No excuses in a very affluent country.

      All this said, Japan has done remarkably well with NPI mitigation measures. Mitigation WITHOUT lockdown, by the way. Just lots of mask-wearing, distancing, crowd limits, and excellent ventilation protocols. Japan’s death rate is very low. Also, its economy hasn’t suffered as much as the U.S. and European economies.

  5. You may recall what I said two weeks ago when I saw the first signs of rapid ascent in some U.S. states. Well now 47 out of 50 states are seeing increases. And Delta is in moderate (highly vaccinated states) to quite rapid (low vaccinated states) ascent. In the U.S. it’s been quicker to translate to growing numbers of hospitalizations and deaths. I think that part of this is a reflection of our country doing much less testing now; about one-third of what the British and Israelis do. So, some symptomatic people aren’t getting testing until they’re really ill or in hospital. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1415720494637084672

    1. Also horrifying is that, knowing this, we are refusing to put mask requirements back in place. We are doing nothing about preparing for remote leaning should it be needed this fall. Three foot distance is ludicrous. It was wrong at the start. It is wrong now.

      The CDC response, according to this article, is a run around. Where is its comment on Israel’s 60% vaccine efficacy? Has it even acknowledged that?

      We are a ship of fools. And no not everyone but far too many

  6. I respect everyone´s take/opinion, only throwing out where I stand.

    I am not in favor of any mask mandates. I am fully vaccinated and will be happy to take future boosters. I recognize that its still possible to get the virus and even get very sick/die, though the chances are greatly reduced once vaccinated.

    I do think face masking too much and too long has its own risks. I believe our body´s immune system needs to be exposed to other germs, bugs, viruses and if one keeps their immune system from being exposed to those too long, then your immune system will weaken and then, your possibly in danger from the annual flu, etc.

    1. That is a very reasonable concern, Tom; and is something I’ve wondered about. So you prompted me to finally look.

      I think if we had higher vaccine numbers for adults and for children over 12 and all children were eligible, masks could be lifted. But we don’t, and sadly young children have no protection whatsoever. Masks and distancing are their only protect. Without any protection, we just have no idea how many more will become sick or worse.

      And on the flip side of the coin, if we do nothing and numbers keep going up, do we face more indoor restrictions for businesses or even partial shutdowns?

      That has been my reasoning for wearing masks all along. There are many sources that say the same as first link, but I went with Forbes. The second link from Reuters doesn’t address lowering immunity, but I thought it was interesting.

    2. You make some interesting points Tom. I like your thinking.

      I would be very interested in Joshua’s take on this.

  7. Yankees red Sox game postponed due to three Yankees pitchers testing positive. Yankees waiting for results from three more players. This is a reminder unfortunately covid is still around and it is not done yet.

  8. My mind is still wrapped around Tom’s comment.

    It seems masks don’t not weaken the immune system, but we 100% know they are a sticking point. As such, they just won’t accomplish the end goal

    So,what steps can we take that might work for more people? How do we avoid a huge spike…especially in school…without using masks?? I’m thinking there has to be something

    1. Of course. Thank you for promoting me to look

      But what an alternative. I figure there has to be something. I’m just just not coming up with anything

      1. I think the majority who do not vaccinate, don´t do so, because they perceive they are being told to so. Its like a control issue. A small percent don´t vaccinate because they don´t believe in the science.

        I wonder if those who haven´t vaccinated yet, but are watching others who haven´t now get sick, that this may ultimately get those who have not vaccinated to vaccinate.

        But, ask them, mandate it, etc and forget it ! I can´t relate to this type of thinking because I did not feel like I was being controlled to do something, I felt like those who were encouraging vaccination were looking out for my well being.

        1. I do believe a lot of those not being vaccinated are doing so for political reasons…because they are being told or because they are being told not to. If I’m not mistaken, I think that is what you are saying.

          I am not surprised by many folks….most seem younger….who just don’t trust what they are putting in their body. It isn’t political in their case…just a health concern. I agree with Joshua’s comments re cdc. It makes me nervous and I am fully vaccinated. I did wait a while because I was nervous for that reason. Their message truly stinks and only exacerbates the concern of this group

          Absolutely, if we tell people to wear a mask, they won’t. But then if we don’t mandate masks, they also won’t. I try to think of an alternative that might work as well as masks but darned if I can come up with one.

          I love that you posted. I’ve said for a while that having pro and con discussion would be great here.

  9. Tom, thank you for sharing your well-thought out opinion on masks. I appreciate reading different perspectives, even if I respectfully disagree.

    As I’ve said before I do think that masks are not a panacea. They can only prevent so much. Frankly, to be effective masks must be supplemented to some degree with some distancing, better ventilation, and crowd limits in bars, convention halls, sport and concert venues.

    Unfortunately, on messaging CDC is just not doing a good job. If anything the lack of an honest message bolsters the anti-vax community. We now see plenty of evidence of breakthrough cases, and even some (though quite rare) instances of fully vaccinated people getting severely ill and even dying. By not mentioning this at all the anti-vax community can rightfully say the CDC isn’t leveling with us. I disagree vehemently with the anti-vax community. But, I do think an honest appraisal of the situation would be helpful. It would probably also cause us all to behave a bit more carefully. So, vaccines work very well, but they’re not 100% protective. Beware of the small risk that as a fully vaccinated person you contract the virus and perhaps pass it on to someone else (an un-vaccinated person, for example).

  10. Aaron judge of the Yankees is one of the other three Yankees players in covid protocol. If he tests positive you figure players he came in contact with at the all star game would have to be tested.

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