37 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – December 1 2021”

  1. I got my booster at a Cvs in Brookline. I got jabbed and left.

    Good luck Vicki. I got a little headachy and weak the next day and that was it.

      1. Good for you JPD! Just curious, which CVS in Brookline? I’ve probably been in all of them at one time or another.

        Also, will your wife get a booster eventually?

    1. Much appreciated, JPD. I am going to the Market 32 (part of price chopper) pharmacy in Sutton. They have a large pharmacy that has its own entrance and is set off from the supermarket.

  2. Thanks TK.

    I don’t know if Joshua already posted this but the FDA panel has approved (or will approve) the Merck Covid pill.

    Is this the same pill that quickly loses its efficacy?

    1. I agree. Something like 30% of those who contracted covid, ended up with “long covid”. It is CLEARLY not in their heads and any Doctor who suggests that should lose their license to practice medicine. I DESPISE doctors like that!!

      1. Exceptional. It is vitally important that vaccinated folks get this message. And it seems that many are not. I will share this. Thank you.

  3. Vaccine done. Pharmacist Is having me wait a few minutes. She said her experience is that those who had a strong reaction to first two also react about the same to the booster so to rest next 48 hours

      1. Thank you very much.

        Both my girls read my comment last night. Both know I always have a yeti cup in hand. But both read it as you did. You brought a bunch of people a great laugh 🙂

  4. This is probably slightly off topic, but the “unofficial” word is that Gov. Baker will NOT seek a 3rd term.

    No real surprise at least to me as he’s been very silent on Covid-19 for awhile now, and on things in general.

      1. Must register to view. So what else is new? 🙁

        Covid-19 likely contributed greatly to his decision. I noticed once vaccines finally became more available, Baker pretty much zoned out and kept out of it. Rarely if ever had any more daily press conferences.

        1. The past 18 months must have been exhausting for anyone in a leadership position such as Charlie Baker. He’s got a lot of company in terms of people who have had enough and want a change.

          It will be interesting to see who runs for Governor.

      1. Yes. I think of it in a not nice way so the most polite name I came up with was F O. You actually inspired it!

      1. A neighboring high school had what I believe is its first case. More were in the towns lower grades.

        The pharmacy said the number of boosters is huge. You cannot schedule appointments. It is as bad or worse than when vaccines were Initially rolled out. My son in law can’t find a flu vaccine anywhere.

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