16 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – April 20 2022”

  1. Thanks TK.

    I am somewhat shocked that the MBTA conceded so quickly to the mask ruling on public transit. When I take the T today, I’ll see how it goes. The T usually stands its ground regarding their rules.

    1. This happened in the middle of school vacation for many states, leaving families with small children and compromised individuals who traveled with masking in place no choice but to return without many wearing masks

  2. This is from the Globe. I no longer subscribe but see the summaries.

    The unmasking of a selfish nation

    A ruling on Monday by a “not qualified” judge appointed by an unqualified president is a bleak reminder that, for many Americans, having to wear a mask occasionally has been the worst thing about the COVID-19 pandemic.

    It certainly isn’t the unknown number of people who still struggle with COVID’s lingering effects or the millions of children who lost parents or guardians to the virus. It’s not the thought of those who left this world alone without the final comfort of a loved one’s touch. It’s not the grocery store employees who lost their lives because they didn’t have the luxury of working safely at home.

    1. Agree. The judge also misinterpreted “sanitation” and even our definitions of “public health” and “public health authority.”

      I do not like it when law and public health clash. I do understand the need for there being legal limits on the restrictions that public health authorities impose. But, I fail to see mask mandates as a “restriction” per se. Certainly not anymore of a restriction than wearing a seat belt, or simply wearing shoes and a shirt when you enter a store or public space.

  3. This is a problem, even in nursing homes. See tweet and graph below. It’s one I’ve noted many times. It’s the main reason our deaths are still above 400 per day nationwide and appear to be rising a bit from preliminary indicators this week (the data has been incomplete thus far this week, from many states and jurisdictions). https://twitter.com/awgaffney/status/1515674445612036104

    1. By the way, it’s good news that our deaths have fallen to around 400 per day, given what we’ve been through. But, we’re still in a pandemic when the number of deaths exceeds 100 per day (that would be the number in a bad flu season). This would be my argument in court to maintain mask mandates – and I’d continue to have distancing requirements in vulnerable spaces like pharmacies, hospitals, clinics – until we’ve reached the endemic phase. We’re getting there. Hopefully the bump in the road won’t be large and we can resume the decline in May and June. I think we might be at 100 deaths per day by mid June.

  4. My experience on the T today. The vast majority of riders and employees still wearing masks. You could count on one hand on any mode going maskless.

    1. Good.

      Given the data in Massachusetts it’s good that people are being protective of one another. We’re not experiencing a massive surge. But it is a sizable bump in the road, with a corresponding significant increase in hospitalizations and deaths. Keep in mind, this is after the recalibration of statistics – narrowing Covid patients to those on specific medications (seems odd to me to do that).

      Even if masks are only 20% effective that will still save lives and prevent hospitalizations. That’s the way I look at it. I also wish there were more distancing rules in healthcare entities like pharmacies and clinics. It’s disconcerting when I see the line of patients – some are elderly; some are likely immunocompromised – waiting for their prescriptions at CVS, and very few other folks wearing masks or keeping their distance. It’s back to people breathing down others’ necks time.

      1. Philip. Great news. I was at target in millbury today and at one of the grocery stores. I saw two people combined with masks.

        In the school numbers I posted last night, I was surprised that Brookline is so high. Folks there have been very considerate throughout

    1. We are seeing upticks in most areas even with skewed numbers.

      The question is….are ticking up because of masks being removed or the variant? School is clearly a combination; but that question is…would it be a slower increase if masks were still in place

    2. Forgot to ask. Is the death report accurate? With the narrow view of covid, I’m suspecting they are not either??

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