7 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – June 7 2022”

  1. Thanks TK.

    Hardly anyone (shoppers or employees) wears masks in the grocery stores anymore. The only employees who consistently still do are the cashiers. Most stock clerks do not.

    I myself still do wear a mask while shopping.

    1. I would say from seeing others most do not wear masks anymore. Went to the post office today and the lady that always had a mask on has stopped. I’m not sure when she stopped but Ik I was here 3 weeks ago and she had it on.

    1. Thanks.

      I was mild in my response to Eric Rubin’s commentary. He’s the one who essentially questioned whether we need another vaccine option. Huh?! Has he been paying attention to anything happening outside our borders? Canada has the best vaccination and booster rate among our peers. There are many reasons. But, surely one of them is they’ve got 5 vaccine options, including Novavax and Astra Zeneca – two more traditional vaccines. AZ is a workhorse vaccine in many of our peer nations. It’s a really good vaccine. Novavax is a late comer to the market. But having it on hand is a good thing. I also wish we had approved AZ.

      The baby formula problem – we only have a few suppliers – should also prod people into always wanting more options, so long as they are safe and effective.

      Not to get too political, but I wish our President would not only focus on alternative sources of energy – I applaud him for that – when it comes to subsidies, I also wish he would be in favor of more prudent extraction of traditional fossil fuels.

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