7 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – June 20 2022”

  1. I will never understand how we have not done more as a nation to protect our children. The comments are definitely worth noting. The question is not only do we need to worry about long term impact of dime kids who have covid, but we really have no idea if there will be long term impact of the mRNA vaccine. And both are for the most part given half hearted attention. IMO Biden failed in this area. I’ve always suspected his wife focused only on kids being in school and not any possible consequences


    1. It’s a difficult public health problem. I do think children need to be in school, in person, as much as possible. That’s my humble opinion. But, I recognize that there are risks associated with this policy, and not just for children (teachers, staff, and administrators, too). There are also risks associated with vaccinations of younger folks. Nothing in life is risk-free.

      1. In school was the priority but not a consistent education. To me education is the priority. God Bless the teachers who went well above and beyond at their own risk.

        And you are absolutely correct that nothing in life is risk free. But adding known risks worries me.

        The horrific increase in school bullying this past year is an issue for another time, but it just adds to the dysfunction of the year we just had

        I know some kids had a good year. Too many did not. And imo that is on us

    1. From looking at various charts since this pandemic began, the virus does seem to shoot up sky high around the “winter” holidays then takes a huge plunge back down shortly thereafter. Not certain about the “summer” holidays though.

  2. Excellent piece on monkeypox, by someone who knows infectious diseases well. Risk to general public remains low. But, vigilance is important. Cases and hospitalizations, by the way, are steadily increasing with a steeper slope. https://www.science.org/content/article/monkeypox-outbreak-mostly-affecting-men-sex-men

    Dr. Gounder describes the problem of lack of testing in the U.S., even when it’s clear monkeypox could be in play. https://twitter.com/celinegounder/status/1538508704512868354

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