9 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – October 19 2022”

  1. Good news for a change:

    1. Most importantly, my son just returned home from the hospital. Well, not to his apartment, but to my place for now. He appears okay. Stable. Still a precarious situation. But, I’m hoping things will get back to a reasonable baseline in a few weeks.

    2. I now have both internet and my landline connection back up and running. Obviously crucial for my business and for communicating with people.

    Regarding Covid-19, I haven’t followed it nearly as closely as I was doing a few weeks ago.

    In the past hour I did read about the two sub-variants sweeping Europe. Germany is in a major wave again. We will be soon, too. Ugh. The good news is that our immunity wall is probably strong enough to ward off serious disease in most folks. The bad news is that Covid will still be killing quite a few people, hospitalizing many more, and producing long Covid in yet another large group. More ugh.

      1. That’s good news about your son. I still have my landline. I use my iPhone for internet and to call taxis.

        Btw, in case you haven’t heard, there is no deadly virus at BU after all.

        1. The question is. Do we believe there isn’t one. Or do we think they realized they overstepped by releasing the info. Isn’t it nice to have no faith in our reporting

  2. Just wondering Joshua. Can your son stay at your place by himself for a few hours or does he need consistent watching?

    1. For the time being, consistent monitoring. It’s still a precarious situation. He really needs to be in an actual treatment program that addresses his illness. This could be a longer-term outpatient day program or an intensive, shorter inpatient program. He’s waiting for that to open up.

      Mental illness is very difficult to treat; both with pharmaceuticals and cognitive behavioral therapy. I just read about several drugs that recently flopped in late-stage clinical trials.

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