Monday June 3 2024 Forecast (7:47AM)

DAYS 1-5 (JUNE 3-7)

Early this week, while we have high pressure “nearby” and in control much of the time, there are other factors that go into some changeable weather too. This morning, we have a disturbance traversing the region from north to south. This has even created a few showers near the South Coast which won’t be around too long. Otherwise, it’s been responsible for a blanket of mainly broken clouds to greet you this morning. But these clouds will exit the region as the morning goes by so that we have more abundant sun around for the midday and afternoon hours. While this is happening, a back-door cold front, helped by low pressure in southeastern Atlantic Canada and high pressure in Quebec, will push into our region from the northeast during the day. Despite the cloud blanket keeping the region quite mild overnight with a high launching pad for the temperatures today, the arrival of this front and the marine air behind it will cap the temperature rise from the NH Seacoast through the eastern MA coastal plain as we get into the afternoon, but its later arrival to the west of there will allow those areas to warm longer, so there will be a sizable temperature contrast from east to west across the region by the end of the day today. The front itself washes out as it heads westward tonight but by then most of the region will be in a modified marine layer, and with increased low level moisture, some low clouds and fog can and probably will form across at least the coastal plain tonight, lingering into Tuesday morning before it burns off again. Tuesday’s wind field will be weak, so watch for a developing sea breeze. Solar heating will help cumulus clouds pop up especially away from the coast from late morning through the afternoon, but I don’t think any of these will grow enough to produce any showers in the WHW forecast area (while they probably will across the Berkshires and southern VT and northwestern CT by mid to late afternoon). We may see the return of some fog and low clouds Tuesday night that will again burn off on Wednesday. One difference between Tuesday and Wednesday is that during the day Wednesday we’ll see an increase in high to eventually mid level cloud cover ahead of an approaching warm front. This warm front will be parented by low pressure heading into the Great Lakes. There should be enough sun to warm inland areas nicely again while the coast is cooled by a southeasterly air flow setting up ahead of the warm front. I’m eyeing Wednesday night and Thursday morning for the best shot at warm frontal rainfall at this time, though that timing may have to be tweaked. Another question is whether or not that front gets all the way through the region Thursday. If yes, we have a decent slot of partial clearing and a warm-up with additional showers and possible thunderstorms holding off until evening or nighttime. If not, we would stay under a heavier cloud canopy, be cooler, and have a better potential for some additional rainfall, at least drizzle. Playing the former over the latter for now, but stay tuned to updates on those details. Friday, upper level low pressure in the Great Lakes presents lots of clouds and the chance of additional scattered shower activity, with a cool-down.

TODAY: Lots of clouds morning / lots of sun afternoon. Highs 70-77 coast, 77-84 inland, with a slow temperature decline in the coastal plain midday on. Wind variable up to 10 MPH except becoming E 5-15 MPH in eastern coastal areas midday or afternoon, progressing across and west of the I-95 belt with time.

TONIGHT: Areas of low clouds and patchy fog. Lows 54-61. Wind E up to 10 MPH.

TUESDAY: Early low clouds / fog, especially in the coastal plain, otherwise sunshine then becoming partly cloudy during midday and afternoon. Highs 68-75 coastal plain, 76-83 inland. Wind variable up to 10 MPH with developing coastal sea breezes.

TUESDAY NIGHT: Variably cloudy. Patchy fog. Lows 55-62. Wind variable under 10 MPH.

WEDNESDAY: Sun/cloud mix morning. Increasing clouds afternoon hours. Highs 67-74 coast, 75-82 inland. Wind SE up to 10 MPH.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Cloudy. Chance of rain overnight. Lows 56-63. Wind SE up to 10 MPH.

THURSDAY: Cloudy with a chance of rain in the morning. Partly sunny in the afternoon. Highs 68-75, coolest coast. Wind SE to S 5-15 MPH.

THURSDAY NIGHT & FRIDAY: Variably cloudy. Chance of showers, possibly thunderstorms. Lows 60-67. Highs 65-75. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (JUNE 8-12)

Upper level low pressure weakens and drifts eastward across the region during the June 8-9 weekend. While it will be mainly rain-free with near normal temperatures, there can be pop up scattered to isolated showers both days. While surface features are more progressive, the pattern will feature a weak trough in the Great Lakes and this makes us prone to a couple more shower / t-storm chances heading into next week, but not an overly wet pattern, and no early heat.

DAYS 11-15 (JUNE 13-17)

No changes to the outlook heading into mid June with upper level low pressure dominating the Great Lakes region and our area mostly east of it, but under its influence still with a couple episodes of showers and potential thunderstorms, somewhat variable temperatures but no extremes, especially no significant heat.

53 thoughts on “Monday June 3 2024 Forecast (7:47AM)”

  1. Good morning and thank you TK

    83 here yesterday with an overnight low of only 67.

    Currently sitting at 70.

    Ocean temperature: 59 (Boston Buoy)

  2. Backdoor front is through buoy east of Hampton Beach and Gloucester.

    Another 30 mins maybe for Logan.

      1. Pretty decent winds with the BDF!

        I wonder how much it will impact the temperature at my

        The ocean temperature is near 60. With sunshine Logan
        should maintain 70+ temp. We shall see.

  3. Vicki,
    re: Wildfire
    you are in for a treat! It just keeps getting better!!!
    I am almost 1/2 way through the final season.

    1. Oh wow. You moved right along too. I was watching too many so took a brief break yesterday. It really is a great series. I’m still making sure it’s ok for my 12 years old granddaughter. But she is a huge heartland fan and I don’t think it’s any different age appropriateness wise.

      1. I don’t think so, but there is a lot of romancing with different partners. NOTHING explicit, but you know what is going on.

        For example, Kris has been with 3 different partners.
        All-in-all it’s a pretty clean program.

        1. Thank you. I seem to recall heartland did the same. I’m about to pick my granddaughter up to bring her here to play with her cousins so will mention to her

    1. The temps don’t drop, but there is a subtle drop in humidity, from dp’s in the 50s down to 50F or a little less.

  4. Logan’s wind just shifted to the NNE.

    I thought I just felt a cooling breeze come in through my window.
    I “think” the wind just shifted here as well.

    77 here. We shall see IF the temperature is capped at 77 here. 🙂

  5. LOgan wind is now NE at 12 mph
    Norwood wind is NE at 13 Mph

    Logan still 75 and Norwood at 81

    78 here in JP 🙂

  6. Logan’s temperature has responded to the BDF and has dropped
    to 73. We’re still holding onto 78 here, but I suspect it will slowly drop a bit later.

  7. I think the BDF doesn’t have munch punch to it.
    Wind at Logan is ENE at a mere 7mph.

    I think temps will be just fine. 🙂

  8. Logan’s ceiling reported at 2000 feet, not clouds, but pine pollen. ‘Tis the season!

    1. I have my hurricane map ready to go – i erased all the tracks from last year on June 1st to start tracking 2024

      1. Nice. My father in law ans I used to map ours together. I’d love to see pics of yours as it progresses. Is it a wipe chart?

    1. I petition to take the “icebox of America” nickname away from International Falls, MN and give it to Logan airport. 🙂

  9. Its a very warm airmass overhead.

    Summit of Mt Washington is currently 57.5F

    Its why inland areas are currently in the mid 80s

    1. That north northeast wind is a land breeze for you and is driving that just inland warmth right down to the south coast.

      1. Great point and we have a state lacrosse game going on now – boys not used to this heat.

  10. So, next school year, we start after Labor Day and I knew it had to do with the early Labor Day date.

    Anyhow, I crafted an email to our superintendent and our teacher association’s president and I basically said I have a major hobby in weather and said from the weather world that there is a greater chance of snow next winter under La Niña conditions and that there’s an ominous hurricane season forecast and that basically, since day 180 would be June 18th, are you sure you want to only have 7 days at your disposal to make up missed days cause there’s chances we’re going to use up way more than 2 …..

    I got a very nice response, but basically it’s a negotiated issue that if Labor Day is sept 1st, 2nd or 3rd, we start after and if it’s the 4th or later, we start before.

    I get it and that’s likely the universal way to do it.

    I just think, well, we can take the next step in all districts to incorporate some seasonal outlook probabilities when deciding start dates.

    So, the last 2 years these calendar negotiated start dates gave ourselves schedule flexibility during a time it was reasonable to expect an El Niño less snow winter and now of course, we’re getting out relatively early.

    And now, next year, because Labor Day is before the 3rd, we’re starting late, likely heading into a La Niña winter where it’s going to snow more and might have September days also if we have a tropical system.

    I just shake my head. I get that for the decision makers, it’s an understandable way to decide the start date of school years but it’s just calendar dependent. Sad we don’t incorporate the science we have that can give us some probability of what the weather might do in season’s ahead and take that into consideration.

      1. I’m not sure I have ever seen it before. Actually I am not even sure if it’s a rare or frequent occurrence. It was amazing to see!

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