Thursday Forecast


DAYS 1-5 (NOVEMBER 10-14)
The only event of significance during this 5-day period will be the passage of a strong cold front on Veterans Day Friday, bringing a period of windy and colder weather that will be fairly short lived. Otherwise, fair and pleasant November weather can be expected.
TODAY: Sunny. Highs 50-58. Wind NW up to 10 MPH shifting to SW.
TONIGHT: Mostly clear evening. Partly cloudy overnight. Lows 38-45. Wind SW 5-15 MPH.
FRIDAY – VETERANS DAY: Partly sunny morning. Mostly sunny afternoon. Highs 50-58 by midday but cooling into the 40s during the afternoon. Wind SW to W 5-15 MPH with higher gusts morning, shifting to NW 15-25 MPH with higher gusts midday and afternoon.
FRIDAY NIGHT: Clear. Lows 28-35. Wind NW 15-25 MPH with gusts 30-40 MPH.
SATURDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 42-50. Wind NW 15-25 MPH.
SUNDAY: Partly cloudy. Lows 24-35, coldest interior. Highs 50-58.
MONDAY: Mostly sunny. Lows 32-40. Highs 52-60.

DAYS 6-10 (NOVEMBER 15-19)
Milder with a rain shower threat somewhere early in the period and a second risk mid period.

DAYS 11-15 (NOVEMBER 20-24)
Risk of unsettled weather early and very late in the period with temperatures near to below normal overall.

53 thoughts on “Thursday Forecast”

      1. Thanks Vicki . Yes the first full season went better than I could have imagined . It’s not easy you can’t sit around and wait for jobs you need to find them along with word of mouth from happy customers .

  1. Good Morning and thank you TK.

    I still have the weather blahs in addition to the election blues.

    The thought of a Trump Presidency scares me to death! Richard Nixon was a Saint
    compared to this man.

        1. I think more people agree with you than not. I’m on board, he is a dam disaster and an embarrassment. Honestly hope I am wrong but if not, we can all point the finger to the republicans. (puke)

          1. Matt, this is NOT a Republican vs Democrat
            issue at all.

            Under normal conditions, all I would have said was that my candidate did not win. On with life.
            No finger pointing, no trash talking, nothing.

            With Trump, it is DIFFERENT. Totally different. What he represents is reprehensible. I fear for our Country. I am scared to death of what this man might do. He and his Religious Zealot VP could UNDO 60+ years of progress
            with basic human rights, including racial equality, Gay marriage, minimum wages, unions and on and on. Not to mention what they might do globally. I do NOT trust that man with the
            nuclear codes.

            Now I have done, what I said I wouldn’t do yesterday. But at least I am not doing it out
            of anger.

            Again, this is NOT Democrats vs Republicans.
            I get that and respect that. With Trump it is
            the stability of the Country and the whole damn World.

            Be afraid, be very very afraid.

            1. And please do not delete this post.
              It is reasonable and not done in anger.
              I believe it to be an honest assessment
              of the situation.

              1. He would have to commit an Impeachable offense first, which I think he is likely to do. We shall see. Frankly, I hope he gets sent to prison before the inauguration.

                1. I think the impeachment is highly likely . It’s bad that people talk like this and he’s not even in . I’m scratching my head though as he got in big sweeping all the big states . We’re these folks not doing there home work . That’s it from me .

              1. Agree that Pence is really bad as well. The ONLY good thing about Pence is that he wouldn’t be so fast with the nukes unlike Trump who appears to be itching to launch.

    1. Agreed. I won’t go into much out except to say I’m highly disappointed (actually an understatement) in the outcome. Not a huge fan of Hillary but….

      When all is said and done we all (dems and repubs alike) have to be vigilant and keep an out for who he (or his surrogates) pick for cabinet positions and other jobs. We also need to keep an eye out for what is happening in Europe and everywhere else.

      Finally we all need to start getting off our asses and start educating ourselves better about all of this. Everyone likes to rail at the mainstream media (CNN, FOX, MSNBC, Talk Radio, etc) and while there is a lot crap coming out of them there is also a lot of good and we just have to start using our brains better to filter out the junk. Also start listening and watching to foreign news CBC, BBC, Deutsche Welle, and other outles) to find out their take on things and what they are feeling. We are not alone and can’t crawl back in a 1950 hole and act like we are.

  2. On the weather front. what’s happening?

    The most BLAH weather stretch I can remember in a long time!

    blah blah, blahdiddy blah blah.

    1. I say let the blah conditions continue for now. Let the action begin from mid-December through late March. Too many leaves still on the trees (at least in Boston) anyway. A lot of raking for me still ahead.

      1. Yes, I suppose. But how about some action that has rain
        along the coastal plain? How about some nice Autumn
        thunderstorm activity? A surprise late season Tropical system?

        Anything, something. πŸ˜€

  3. Haven’t been posting much. This has been a very bad fall. Weather’s been great, but otherwise not so much: Job-wise, health-wise, and now politics-wise I’ve been shellacked. Never been a fan of Hillary Clinton or the Clinton brand, but Trump scares the living daylights out of me: Nativist populism, bizarre xenophobia (for a New Yorker, really peculiar), ignorance of history (he brags about not reading), misogyny, protectionist tendencies, impulsiveness, arrogance, lack of experience in anything remotely political or diplomatic, no tolerance of media dissent and criticism, etc …

    In spite of getting fewer votes than Romney in 2012 and losing the popular vote, I’ll grant that Trump was successfully able to channel the anger of rural and the majority of suburban white men and women (one wonders why such masochism?) and present himself as one of them (because as we know DJT is a real working class kind of guy!). I disagree with his positions across the board, including his stance on not reforming the entitlement programs (they desperately need reform; Paul Ryan is right about that). 1. On climate change, Trump takes an I don’t care attitude, which is worse than being a climate change skeptic. 2. On education he’s said virtually nothing as it’s not a priority of his. 3. On defense he’ll raise spending, crowding out government investment in areas of greater need. 4. On health care he’ll repeal an unpopular law – Obamacare – which I do understand. But, the result will be millions of uninsured, and I’ve yet to see a constructive alternative. 5. On international alliances he’ll take a go-it-alone stance, thinking that he has all the answers. That is a frightening prospect, especially coming from a narcissist. 6. On the media, he’ll seek to change libel laws. 7. On gun control, he’ll do the opposite of regulate. 8. On law enforcement, he’ll give police more power and raise incarceration rates. If my chronic gastritis was bad prior to November 8th, well it’s gotten a whole lot worse.

    1. “On gun control, he’ll do the opposite of regulate.”

      Isn’t that what “shall not be infringed” implies? Anyone who doesn’t see the irony of gun bans being enforced by people with guns doesn’t quite understand how the 2nd Amendment works.

      Look how a lot of you are feeling is how I – and others – have felt the last 8 years. Not trying to say it’s your turn now, but the pendulum swings both ways, and will go back your way at some point. Government works slow…hell Obama couldn’t get a lot of what he wanted passed when Dems controlled the House and the Senate. Trump will be in the same boat.

      I mean no disrespect and I know this is a weather blog but wanted to add another opinion here.

    2. he wants to get rid of common core, thats the one thing that I would sayim kind of on board with. We need less testing and more hands-on experience for the students. If we make them read about cells, they will not be interested in the biological sciences. I was as bored as can be in high school bio.

  4. Boring weather pattern. Still some leaves on the trees and raking that needs to be done. When that is done bring on the snow.
    I will stay away from the politics and just say I hope for the best and will see what happens.

  5. I voted for Trump, and proudly. Trump is a reaction to the left going so far to the left you couldn’t see them.
    Everybody calm down, it’ll be fine.
    That’s all the politics from me.

  6. I wonder if the long term, brief blocking in the Greenland/Davis Strait area on today’s two GFS op runs is going to happen ….. The blocking seems to break down again towards days 15 and 16.

    On these particular runs, this version of blocking simply stalls a storm around northeastern Quebec/Labrador area. This would introduce and keep us chilly to cold, but rather dry.

    Not too hung up on the details obviously this far out, but interested to see if this blocking idea maintains a week from now on the GFS into the medium range outlook and also starts presenting itself on the end of the 240 hr operational EURO run in a couple days.

    1. In other words …. Without any ideas of details, best chance so far this year for the feel of winter and perhaps a little look of winter could be in the Nov 20th to 25th timeframe.

  7. I will let the political posts remain today, because you all have been generally very civil, even those of you that are quite opposite in view, and it’s important to just get it out now if you must. πŸ™‚

    I’m not sold on several advertised pattern changes just yet. I’m going to look a little more into this during the evening and comment on it.
    I’m still quite weak and in a slow recovery of recent (and someone ongoing) illness. This are two long term conditions that I have had for years that seldom act up together, but did this time, along with some other stresses. The compounding of them all was quite a set-back. The worst of it has been tiredness and precipitous weight loss, which is no healthier than being heavier than you want to be. Once I get that stabilized, things will start looking much better. Today, I actually feel a little stronger.

    Going to start poking at 12z runs now as I have a few free moments.

  8. Hope you fee better, TK. Take it easy. I don’t think what I have comes close to what you have – but I know what it is like to need to put on weight. I don’t weigh that much anyway and in the past 2 wks. I have lost more weight. Seeing new dr. nxt. wk. and hoping he can tell me what to eat.

    Again, hope you feel better soon.

  9. Watch the Burlington, VT temp the next few hours.

    Cold front has gone past, they have a strong NW wind. I think it’s currently 46F as of 7 am.

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