Tuesday Forecast


DAYS 1-5 (NOVEMBER 7-11)
Sorry for the late update today. There are adjustments and here is the summary. The cold front that went by overnight did not get that far to the south, held up by a wave of low pressure moving along it that sent clouds back into the region today and will send some rain into southern areas this evening before it moves out overnight. This wave moves right along and clearing returns to the region on Wednesday, which will be a cool day. A slight moderation takes places Thursday ahead of an arctic cold front, which will plow through the region Friday morning, delivering the coldest air mass in quite some time to the region during Friday and into Saturday (Veterans Day). A windy/cold night is in store for any high school football playoff games on Friday night, and a very cold morning can be expected for Veterans Day ceremonies on Saturday.
REMAINDER OF TODAY: Overcast. Temperatures in the 40s. Wind light SE to E.
TONIGHT: Overcast. A period of rain likely south of the Mass Pike. A brief period of very light rain possible elsewhere. Lows 35-40. Wind light variable.
WEDNESDAY: Clearing. Highs 46-53. Wind N up to 10 MPH.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Clear. Lows 20-26 interior valleys, 27-34 elsewhere. Widespread frost as well as hard freeze in areas under 28. Wind calm.
THURSDAY: Mostly sunny. Highs 50-57. Wind S 5-15 MPH.
FRIDAY: Partly cloudy. Slight risk of passing snow showers morning. Temperatures fall from the 40s through the 30s. Becoming windy.
SATURDAY: Mostly sunny. Lows from the upper 10s to middle 20s. Highs from the middle 30s to lower 40s.

DAYS 6-10 (NOVEMBER 12-16)
A zonal pattern will send 2 disturbances through the region with rain chances, current timing suggesting it as late November 12 to early November 13 and again later November 15. Variable temperatures should average fairly close to normal.

DAYS 11-15 (NOVEMBER 17-21)
The pattern of the previous period should continue through this period as well.

44 thoughts on “Tuesday Forecast”

  1. WHY IS IT? That radars always break OR are down for maintenance (same message anyway) when it is precipitating or about to precipitate. It seems they never go down
    on a clear day. Just musings for today….. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


  2. It’s quite interesting what has happened with this very small storm system impacting the region today. Recall on Sunday I mentioned the NAM trying to bring accumulating snow to central New England with this system. The other models looked nothing like it with a very suppressed scenario. As it turns out, the NAM was no worse than all that the other guidance. In fact, I think it hit the overall idea better from further out. Sure, it was a little too ambitious to start, but it saw the potential for this to be more amplified than the global guidance, which was all way too suppressed and didn’t really catch on until late yesterday.

    We know every system is different, but especially for the cold season I like to keep a mental scorecard of how the models are doing. If I recall correctly, the NAM made some very good calls last winter, sometimes with little support at first. Time will tell if it does the same this year.

  3. According to Eric, the first snowflakes for all tonight except the Cape! In fact, snow have now arrived in the Berkshires. πŸ˜€

      1. Well, Eric put up a snowfall map and had SNE all in white except the Cape & Islands. But I will certainly defer to your thoughts. Even tough no accumulation is expected, Eric still very excited to say the least.

        1. The map was just showing the areas that he thought could see a few flakes. But that doesn’t remotely mean everyone in that area WILL see flakes.

  4. That snow to the west is spotty and brief where the precipitation managed to reach the ground. This event will be winding down in the next few hours with most of the “action” falling as rain south of the Mass Pike, as described in the forecast above.

  5. According to the TV mets, below normal temps continue into next week as well. Is this the trend you are looking for TK?

    1. It is.

      This pattern isn’t really going anywhere. Regular cool shots will keep overall temperatures at least seasonable overall but we’ll have some below normal days.

  6. The latest HRRR brings barely a drop to Boston.
    The only way Boston would see some flakes is if it came down with some
    intensity. Ain’t happening.

  7. Thank you, TK.

    I saw my first flakes of the season – Grantham, NH. They were tiny flakes, but still. Was on my way to Norwich, Vermont. Needed gas in Warner, NH, and when I got out of my car I felt what I’ve been missing since March: crisp, cold, wintry. Man, l love winter. It re-energizes me like no other season. I even love the dormancy of the vegetation. It’s strange. I can’t say these things in public, or people will think I’m weird. The public’s predominant preference is definitely summer, and I get that. On this blog it’s okay to go bonkers for winter, though. It’s like a safe space for winter people.

    1. Oh no….you are not weird. Or maybe I am and just don’t recognize weird. I feel as if it reenergizes me also

  8. btw, it is RAINING in the city and not just spitting or sprinkling, it is raining.
    45 with dp 35. It would have to go some to get snow in here.

    1. make that 44 now. πŸ˜€ btw I certainly didn’t want to imply it was pouring, just that it is noticeably raining, that is all. I was out and it was enough to get
      me wet.

  9. What is going on. I am seeing radar down for maintenance at portland, Albany, New York and Boston. Nice. Good timing boys.

  10. I’m going with light rain with something floating in it….too dark to tell but I’ll say a few flakes …..anyone want to challenge that πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

  11. Stowe plans on opening within the next week or 2. They are firing them snow guns. Beautiful sight. Boston ski and sports this week.

  12. Looks like almost, but not quite. Down to 37 here. Best I can tell, still rain, although
    I am not out there, so there could be a few wet flakes mixed in? Good night. πŸ˜€

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