19 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – July 13 2020”

  1. Good morning, These are the links to the document. It is long but I thought well presented and well reasoned. There are a number of them. I used my PC and for some reason Imgur created separate links rather than one link to multiple docs. Unfortunately, I’m not sure if these will be links you can click on or if you have to copy and paste.


  2. Thank you both for your posts. Also thanks again for all your feedback on my question the other day. It lead to a very productive conversation with family and they are doing the right thing. Friends is another story….Just how invaluable this blog can be for many reasons. Thanks TK!

  3. I heard on the tv news this morning that those who recover from the Coronavirus still have breathing difficulties and other symptoms for weeks and even months thereafter.

    I get the impression that once you get this virus you never “truly” recover from it. Is this correct?

    1. Excellent. Thank you

      And thank you for the site to convert pdf to jpg. It was remarkably simple.

      1. You are welcome Vicki. I am glad that you were able to use that site to convert the document.

  4. Now that I did the conversion, you’d have thought I’d have searched to see if I could find this already in one piece somewhere. Here is the entire link. My apologies

    Also, I understand some folks don’t agree with comments here. But that in no way means those folks should not share thoughts. We cannot learn without polite exchange of ideas from those who may not agree. I’d truly like to hear thoughts on this from those who believe kids should be in school.

    My son wisely said people have to work. I get that some do in order to not lose all they have worked for. I Worked my entire life and understand how difficult it is with kids home. Mac and I couldn’t afford help and we managed …….but we also didn’t have the added job of in home learning. I cannot imagine making that choice. One idea I heard was to have kids of parents who have to work attend school. It would be staffed by lower paid adults who can supervise inhome studies through internet access and computers supplied. It has a way to go but i know of a couple of folks who used the local Y that offered this in the spring and sung its praises.


  5. I don’t know how long Dr. Fauci will last in this job. Things could be coming to a crossroad between him and Trump.

    1. I’m currently wearing a Dr Fauci Fan Club tee. He would be a tremendous loss. I have no faith in Birx.

  6. Thanks for sending the links, Matt, Vicki, and SClarke. Useful information.

    There are more unknowns than knowns about the novel coronavirus. Its impact is varied. From no apparent impact at all for the asymptomatics – which may be as high as 45% of those who contract the virus – to death for a small, but certainly not trivial percentage, and a wide range of morbidity for everyone else in between.

  7. President Macron of France addressed the nation today, one day before Bastille Day, which commemorates the storming of the Bastille, and the launching of the French revolution. It is as close to our July 4th as it gets. His message was loud and clear. I’m here to thank those who worked tirelessly during the pandemic to battle the virus, but also help keep the country going.

    This is what I expected and didn’t get on July 3rd or 4th: A tribute to the healthcare workers and soldiers on the front line. Not the military in this instance, but the essential workers who kept us fed, moving, and safe (like grocery store clerks, pharmacists, transit workers, and law enforcement), who saved lives in many instances (doctors, nurses), some of whom made the ultimate sacrifice.

    The French is fairly easy to understand, if you want to see it. 


  8. Friendly wager: How far down will Massachusetts go on the ranking of states in terms of cases? It was 3rd in the nation at one point. Seems like an eternity ago, even though it was only about 7 weeks ago. It’s now 9th in the nation. I think it’ll tumble further to 19th by the end of August.

    1. I thought at one point MA was first but even third considering where we were is excellent.

      I am so frustrated with the school opening plans. Why we are not focusing on a robust in home plan while we have the time is beyond unacceptable. CA that was doing well has now gone to all in home for larger cities. I don’t get what DESE is thinking

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