25 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – November 7 2020”

  1. Over 2,000 new cases in Massachusetts yesterday and they still want to keep schools open?????? insanity!!!!!!

        1. I’m not sure what he has become. I was furious enough when he didn’t vote for any presidential candidate. We saw first hand now votes count

  2. As Philip mentioned, Meadows has tested positive for Covid-19. That `party’ that was held in the WH Tuesday night, in a relatively small room with no windows (why, folks!), may turn out to be another superspreader event. These people just don’t give a you-know-what. Outside of Belarus NO government anywhere is holding these kinds of indoor events with large numbers of people, no physical distancing, and no masks.


    Then there’s this. See article below. Trump is not conceding; this election impasse/crisis will get MUCH worse before it gets better – sort of like Covid-19. During a national crisis – namely, Covid-19 – we will not be getting any kind of transition team cooperation with the Administration. That’s shameful, in my view, and goes against the whole `America First’ charade. If Trump was truly devoted to this country, he would not act petulant. He would work towards mitigating the spread of the virus AND coordinating a coronavirus economic relief package.


    I’ve learned 3 lessons from this election. 1. Never trust another poll again. Ever. They were way off. 2. Some GOPers haven’t been trained in logic. I’ve heard repeatedly that they distrust the process for electing the President. Yet, they have no problem boasting about the fact the House gained GOP seats (probably 10 when all is said and done!) and Senate GOPers did much better than expected. It’s the SAME ballot, folks! You can’t have it both ways! And, mail-in ballots were precisely what put quite a few GOP House candidates over the top, in among other states, Florida. 3. Americans like gridlock. The fact that they didn’t give Democrats a resounding victory at all shows they don’t want dramatic changes. And, they won’t be getting them.

    1. Yep re polls…I didn’t trust in 2016 as I’ve said and knew it would be cloys this time…too close this time to know winner but lots of hope.

      And love your comment re same ballot for Congress ….you cannot make this stuff up

  3. Before I am drawn into the quagmire of another news day, I need a laugh:

    We can all agree that in 2015 not a single person got the answer correct to “Where do you see yourself five years from now?”

    At what point can we just start using “2020” as profanity? As in: “That’s a load of 2020.” or “What in the 2020?” or “abso-2020-lutely.”

    If 2020 was a math word-problem: If you’re going down a river at 2 MPH and your canoe loses a wheel, how much pancake mix would you need to re-shingle your roof?

  4. Congratulations to Joe Biden!!!! Finally, we get that moron out of the white house!!!!

    Biden has been declared the winner in Pennsylvania and thus now has accumulated
    273 electoral votes!

    Maybe we can get a plan to attack covid instead of the leader of this nation
    burying his head in the sand and declaring that the virus is gone.

    1. I am seeing tears across the board. I sure have them.

      But now we need to step back and think. There are problems on both sides. Time to come together and heal our country. I heard a great comment the other day…

      We have to commit as a country collectively to walk back from the brink.

      1. yes that is true, but republicans need to make a move as well, I have seen a couple willing to do so in the past year or two but not many.

        1. Both parties need to make the move. IMO dems worry about dems, reps worry about reps, and since I’m independent I will Be the cheering section 😉

          1. Unfortunately, dems have for to long put their tail between their legs when they have power because they want to play nice. Then when republicans have it, they do not reciprocate it

    2. According to the source that I have been using, Biden has 290 Electoral Votes!

      Of course, either way it’s all good! 😀

      1. Indeed he does. Time for the Republican Party to urge the president to concede NOW in a show of respect for America. And as Biden is urging, time for the Democrats to not gloat. There was no blue wave.

        That is my first cheerleading comment 🙂 🙂

        1. That twit doesn’t know how to concede and I highly doubt he will. We’ll have to drag him out of the white house kicking and screaming.

          1. Too bad his adult children enable him. They are egging him on to keep fighting it. Maybe FLOTUS can talk some sense into him? She’s probably the type to just go along with whatever he decides though.

  5. By trump !!! How about you act like a man . I’m starting. To loose all respect for Baker & I always liked him . First he can’t stand trump but would not vote against him to help get him out . Second he is dropping the ball big time with covid his school comment was really stupid .

    1. And not to mention his 9:30 pm curfew on restaurants who are struggling as it is. I saw an interview of a restaurant owner who now will have to layoff her staff.

      1. This still doesn’t make sense to me. Most restaurants in the state are already closing down close to then. And people can go out earlier if they really want to eat out. What am I missing?

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