7 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – December 4 2020”

  1. If I understand correctly, since children were not part of the clinical trials, they will be one of the last to get vaccinated.

    Assuming this is correct as to the fact that no trials were conducted on children, is it because they would require parents permission? Or was it believed that vaccines are not really necessary for them?

    Joshua your thoughts on this?

  2. Interpol has issued a warning that organized crime from China and Russia may cash in with fake or stolen vaccines.

  3. I understand covid was not spreading in schools. And it took a whole lot longer than I and others thought it would. It is spreading In Sutton schools. It is why we are full remote for two weeks. This is from framingham.

    Philip I would surely hope we are smart enough now to know kids do get covid bit then nothing surprises me any more


    1. The sad part is that, because the focus was on in school, once again remote has not been perfected. It has improved but ….

  4. The only good news to report is that global deaths may have peaked this week. This is because European deaths are decreasing steadily. Hospitalizations are gradually declining there. Only two European nations still have really high case numbers (proportionately): Sweden and Switzerland.

    But, of course, the U.S. situation is dire. This means that the proportion of deaths accounted for by the U.S. is rising fast. It’s around 25% now and that percentage will increase in the coming weeks. Case numbers (record today), test positivity, and hospitalizations (record today) are all increasing.

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