10 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – December 14 2020”

  1. The Netherlands is going into its strictest lockdown tonight (all non-essential businesses, including construction, must close; all schools as well). The lockdown will last through the 19th of January. Keep in mind, the Netherlands infection rate is a bit lower than Massachusetts; hospitalization and death rates are a bit lower, too than Massachusetts.

    I will say this, European countries do take this crisis very seriously. Conservative and liberal leaders alike all say the same thing: “it’s unacceptable to have the kinds of death rates and excess mortality we’re seeing.” They also repeatedly state that they’re trying to learn from their mistakes.

    The exception to the rule in Europe is the UK, which has loosened restrictions and is also seeing a resurgence in infections and hospitalizations. The UK media is also more similar to the US in its apparent awe for the vaccine, AND seeing the vaccine as a savior of sorts.

    You know my personal take on the vaccine. It is an extremely helpful tool, but it will not help much during the next 6-8 weeks. I’m afraid, we Americans have adopted the position “we’re just going to have to live with it.” I’m disappointed, because I never though the US of all countries would give up, display apathy, and not do everything it can to save lives. But, it all goes to prove we can still learn about ourselves, even in our 50s.

    1. I still hope that we don’t have to shutdown to March/April levels. Not just restaurants but other businesses as well would be very hurt.

      Some municipalities here in MA want Gov. Baker to roll back even more.

      1. Baker has to shut down the pressure from outside interests and make the hard decisions he did in spring.

        We are seeing EXACTLY what is happening in countries that do what he is doing.

        Thank you, Joshua

        Did you get test results? How are you feeling?

    2. I think that more than one person is dying every minute from Covid-19. If it’s 3,000/day, then it’s more than 2/minute.

  2. I find the statistic re: most infections occurring at home to be beyond confusing and it is not helping the cause one bit.

    I read it as – yes once a family member has become infected it is all but assured to be spread in the home – but they key is to find the origins of the invasion – which is being – how do I put this – artificially depressed in importance bc this stat keeps being floated of most transmission occurring in the home

    Take away actually should not be that socializing is relatively safe “only .3 percent…” – it should be exactly the opposite. That clearly indoors it spreads wildly, and once even one member of a bubble has been infected it’s essentially going to spread to all of them.

    Stats can do more damage then good when used out of context.

      1. Thanks, Vicki.

        My son also tested negative, by the way. He had similar symptoms, though without the fever. We don’t know what the heck it was.

    1. So glad to hear this Joshua. The post covid immune syndrome has me very worried – as does the fact that autoimmune issues could be even more prevalent than we realize in recovered patients as the range of severity of symptoms in autoimmune flares (I speak for broad personal experience- sigh) is so broad it may take new sufferers a while to even realize there is an issue – but based on these early numbers already identified of severe cases – this thing must be avoided at all costs.

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