10 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – December 17 2020”

  1. Not only Taiwan and Korea are doing very well economically, in large part because they crushed the virus (they essentially had no recession), Australia and New Zealand are faring excellently. There is no tradeoff between the economy and public health. The two go hand in hand. For a structurally sound economy, public health crises must be under control.


  2. When we settle from snow, take some time to see the tapes of Scott Atlas pushing herd immunity. Now we know why trump never did anything. And no one paying attention believes absolutely nothing is done without his knowledge. And FOX used Sweden as an example….incorrectly of course but as an example

    Remember Sweden? That is the country trumps base doesn’t want us to become because of Democratic socialist influence.

    1. Yes, indeed, Vicki. Scott Atlas played a key role in pushing Birx and Fauci aside at the WH Coronavirus Task Force meetings. It’s shameful.

      Sweden is a wonderful country. I respect its system of government, economy, and healthcare. However, it’s a very unlikely role model for Trumpists or anyone in the conservative movement.

      Also, what’s been misunderstood throughout the pandemic is that Sweden’s lenient lockdown is still far stricter than many states in the U.S. There is no way a Sturgis motorcycle rally would have been allowed in Sweden, for example. Or any of the Trump rallies. Or the current Georgia rallies for Loeffler and Perdue. Or the hypocritical behavior of quite a number of Democratic Mayors and Governors who told constituents to stay home while they traveled to Mexico and other places.

      1. Agree. I said the same re Sweden from the start. In this terrible socialist country folks did what was for the greater good far more than even one state can here. TK is correct. We have many folks who do what is proven to be right. But far too many put themselves first.

  3. How many lives lost directly care/of Atlas.

    Lots of blood on his hands – perhaps more than anyone in recorded history with the exception of Hitler, Stalin and a few other notables who killed more than 100k by their actions – beyond frightening the influence one man can have on hundreds of thousands of victims and their families.

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