17 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – January 5 2021”

  1. My two latest Forbes pieces are on drug pricing. The principles involved also apply to vaccine pricing.

    Specialty generics face a maze of perverse incentives in Medicare Part D (outpatient drug benefit): https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2021/01/04/specialty-generics-face-a-maze-of-perverse-incentives-in-medicare-part-d/?sh=4dc5e6292e9c

    For diabetics, the out-of-pocket costs of insulin products can be a major monthly expense. Affordability is an issue that needs to be addressed comprehensively. https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2021/01/05/insulins-out-of-pocket-cost-burden-to-diabetic-patients-continues-to-rise-despite-reduced-net-costs-to-pbms/?sh=6a96ddc740b2

    1. Unfortunately Joshua, I will no longer be able to read your articles due to my number of “freebies” (4) has run out unless I formerly subscribe. Very sad that publications now have come to this. $$$$. I will miss your valuable information especially during these trying times. 🙁

      I will still continue to contribute to this end of the blog, of course. 🙂

      1. I’m very upset with Forbes for instituting a paywall. It impacts all the contributors negatively. Not only have they cut our pay by 50% since last April, they’ve cut our viewership. Unfortunately, there isn’t much recourse. There is NO money to be made in journalism, unfortunately. Except of course for the owners and managers of periodicals. And even the kind of consulting and teaching I do, which is not profit or product oriented, is vastly underpaid or not in demand. Certainly not at the moment. I’ve noticed that Covid-19 has gutted work that isn’t geared towards profit.

  2. Joshua. Thank you for the articles. I also reached a limit. I didn’t know Forbes has one. I’m torn as I understand free online is a money loser when folks no longer get papers delivered. But if they cut pay 50% and not top level salaried, then I will rethink my view.

  3. In the night, I was thinking about low flu. I am sure distancing has to do with it overall. But in schools, i believe for the first time parents cannot send kids to school sick. That has been a pet peeve of mine as long as I can remember. I have no respect for people who do this.

    I also know of one instance in my small circle where a parent sent a child to school after a positive covid. Not Sutton. I did listen to our school committee prior to Christmas literally beg parents to keep sick kids home.

    This appeared today in the news


  4. Getting a little concerned about a couple of reports of a south African strain of the virus. My concern is that no one seems to know much about it or is not saying much.

  5. Vicki, I’ve protested at the Forbes paywall move, as have many other contributors. But, of course, to no avail. My issue is that Forbes was and is getting plenty of money through advertising. Gosh, when I read my own articles online I notice they’re chock full of ads. Too much so. Makes it hard to read. Despite the ad revenue coming in, Forbes decided to cut our pay last May. Their justification was that they were getting “less” ad revenue. The pay was never great to begin with – $500 in total for 5 articles each month. But that’s now $250 in total for 5 articles. I’m sure that soon they’ll reduce that, too. I’ve noticed that all of my freelance journalist work is faced with pay cuts. Instead of $300 for an article at a magazine, it’s $200. I wrote a chapter in a textbook. Took me several weeks. I was told I would get “royalties.” Well, I got a royalty check for … $36. I kid you not. And this is Cambridge University Press. There’s just no money in journalism or academic writing. And very little money in not-for-profit work. Just the way it is.

    1. Joshua, that is beyond upsetting. I am so very sorry. I was one to defend media charging because of folks stopping hard copies. I will end all subscriptions I have which doesn’t amount to a hill of beans but darn. This just is not right

  6. More good news on a personal note. Yesterday (1/4) my $600 check was deposited into my checking account.

    I still consider it pittance compared to the $2000 Trump had proposed. Even another $1200 would have been ok with me. Oh well. Better than nothing.

  7. U.S. deaths per million caught up with Spain today, will surpass it this evening. Will surpass the U.K. by early next week. And, will surpass Italy by the end of next week. Remarkably bad performance by the U.S. At that point, the only industrialized country ahead of the U.S. is Belgium, which I don’t think the U.S. will catch. That’s a bottom-of-the-barrel performance by the world’s richest nation. Shameful.

      1. Yes. And Germany – doing better this week – has extended and strengthened its lockdown for another 3 weeks. I expect the Netherlands to follow suit.

  8. Vicki, Philip, I made a conscious choice after many years of working at a large management consultancy and later as a research associate professor that I would be independent. Do my own thing writing and editing at academic journals, teaching webinars, and consulting. That worked pretty well for 3 years, until Covid hit. If I were involved in sales and marketing (I’m not) or promoting particular products (I’m not) I’d probably be doing fine today. My consulting, teaching, and writing/editing, however, is not about promoting particular products or enriching people (who are probably already rich to begin with). I do get by – albeit on a small income – with my academic journal work, an ongoing paid research project on HIV, and my writing.

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