4 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – January 7 2021”

  1. We are in uncharted territory as a nation. Yesterday, the highest number of daily cases (260k), hospitalizations (134k), and deaths (4.1k). Today may exceed yesterday’s tally.

    It’s January 7th. Certainly not a holiday. Yet, the roads, stores, and sidewalks are packed with people. This is not good, folks.

    Public health officials like Fauci and others (political leaders) need to remind us that we cannot vaccinate our way out of this pandemic. It needs to be done in conjunction with strong mitigation measures. This is why France is extending its closure of restaurants, movie theaters, gyms, etc … through mid February.

    I’m not suggesting total lockdowns here. But, you really can’t have the streets, stores (and even some restaurants and cafes with a mix of sit-down customers and long lines of take-out people), and sidewalks packed like this if you truly want to end this pandemic efficiently. Otherwise, we’re prolonging the agony. In fact, I may have to soon change my optimistic viewpoint on when we’d be returning to normal based on the still very slow rollout of vaccinations, and ever-increasing cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.

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