10 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – January 17 2021”

  1. The Netherlands is NOT a police state by any stretch of the imagination. Very lenient in sentencing. Many things are allowed in Holland that aren’t permitted (aren’t legal) here. Also, you don’t see or hear police around much, the way you do here.

    Yet, when it comes to certain societal issues, the police has a zero tolerance policy. As you know, the Netherlands is in a strict coronavirus lockdown, for another 2 weeks or so. This applies to everyone. No exceptions. So when a group of several hundred demonstrators against the lockdown wanted to demonstrate without precautions – physical distancing, crowd limits, and masks – the police would not grant them a permit to demonstrate. Nevertheless, the group demonstrated. Well, that didn’t end so well for the demonstrators. 115 were arrested – about a third of the total number of protesters. Most were arrested for throwing firecrackers at the police and horses. Some were simply arrested for refusing to behave in accordance with the terms/norms that apply to everyone. Here’s a video clip. One thing I can guarantee you is that a breaching of the Capitol would not have happened in Holland. The police there are competent, strategic, and well-organized. The protesters wouldn’t have gotten close to the Capitol steps. https://nos.nl/artikel/2364863-115-arrestaties-bij-protest-tegen-coronamaatregelen-in-amsterdam.html

    1. The article is in Dutch, but you can scroll down to the video clip. It can be viewed without any translation needed.

    2. Hate to say it but how can you not think the capital was an inside job . Tours the day before ??? No tour has been going on there since March . These animals knew exactly where they were going .

      1. Also the refusal of extra patrol before it happened & during the actual event , that’s unheard of .

  2. While I’m critical of Trump and the Administration for its mishandling of the pandemic, I have a lot of respect for what several of his appointees have accomplished at HHS and CMS. These appointees are more conservative than I am, but they dedicated themselves to reforming parts of our healthcare system. For that I’m grateful. https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2021/01/17/hhs-regulations-with-enduring-impact-on-pricing-and-reimbursement-of-medical-services-and-technologies/?sh=5289c7f355f5

  3. Question. Does the regular covid test differentiate between covid and variant or are they doing two tests now

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