7 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – February 13 2021”

  1. Hospitals in the state are no longer scheduling vaccine appointments due to limited supply. In fact, just yesterday I received an email from my provider Mass General Brigham. They will notify me at a later date when a new supplies become available.

    Joshua, is the state at fault? Or the federal government? Or both?

    I find it interesting though that other states are distributing vaccines so much better overall than us. I also understand that much of Cape Cod doesn’t even have any vaccination sites at all. CC Community College was briefly discussed but talks went nowhere.

    1. Massachusetts has changed course. Doing much less in hospitals, and more in sites like Gillette Stadium. Not sure if it’s a great idea, because I’m not certain the most vulnerable are getting prioritized necessarily. But the state has moved up in the rankings in terms of vaccinated individuals. I believe we’re now 14th.

      1. I saw an interview on the news with this elderly lady and she was wondering now how she would be able to get to Fenway. She was hoping to be able to go to MGH in her neighborhood. And there is still the issue with total strangers being hired as “companions” to 75+ year old seniors.

        1. I saw a comment on a nearby town FB page where the person was offering anyone a ride so she could get the vaccine too. Disgusting

    2. Philip, I got the same email and am furious. Shame on Massachusetts for making it difficult for anyone..,especially seniors….to get to the locations MA is offering. I’m at the point where I don’t drive far any more. I am sure my kids would take me but when…..between trying to keep their businesses open or trying to teach kids or between overtime shifts required for one by the state.

      1. Agreed. I think there’s confusion and also a much greater chance of inequity and fraud.

        Not that happy with Baker lately. I voted for him and like him as a person. I do understand he has a difficult balancing act. I don’t envy that. Yet, I’m critical of certain decisions, which I really do think he deserves some blame for.

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