15 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – March 10 2021”

  1. Alaska is the first state to distribute vaccinations to every adult age 16 and above. No restrictions.

    1. Alaska has done very well with its rollout, even across the sparsely populated areas. Well done, Alaska!

      Pre-registration system for Massachusetts residents is coming on Friday. I’ll be sure to sign up.

      Governors across America are gambling. They’re certainly not risk-averse like the Brits are (still very much in strict lockdown), or all of Europe. I want the governors to be right, but I’m still fearful that they’re reopening to a degree (almost full throttle) which invites problems when we’re still not at a high enough percentage of vaccinated/naturally immune due to prior infection. The B117 variant is 64% more lethal and advancing in many states, and it may be more lethal to the 50% vaccinated. Though we’re doing a lot better than in January we still recorded 56k new cases yesterday, still have around 40k in hospital, and 1.7k deaths were reported yesterday. Britain’s numbers are better than ours on all fronts and yet they’re still very much in lockdown mode for at least another 3 weeks. I’m not advocating for this kind of lockdown, but I think lifting Covid restrictions is very premature.

  2. I heard on the news this morning that only 10% of Boston residents have been vaccinated. Not sure as to partially vs. fully vaccinated.

  3. President Biden has just announced that he will purchase 100M doses of the J&J vaccine and he expects every American to be vaccinated by May.

    1. Correction. Biden expects there to be sufficient supply for everyone to be vaccinated. I can guarantee you that not everyone will get vaccinated, even if they came by every person’s house. If we could get to 50% of adults >18 fully vaccinated by the end of May that would be terrific.

      1. A mass vaccine site is about to open in Uxbridge. We have been basically ignored in this area. The plan has been to partner with hannaford Uxbridge which does have a vaccine spot. But can only do 4/hr. Baker would not let them partner. But at least we will have something


        1. Shouldn’t ignore your area. As I recall from the spring surge, the Worcester area, which is fairly close to you, got hit the hardest at the end of the first wave.

          1. Agree. We are southern Worcester county. No public transportation. Not allowing hannaford to partner is curious since they do have a system. But then so much of this makes no sense to me

    1. I absolutely believe this could be true in a perfect world. Thank you for sharing it.

      The key words in the article are with masking mandates. Kids do not keep masks on….especially the lower grades and especially students with special needs. And that is both understandable and a whole lot for us to ask of younger kids. Heck, adults can’t keep masks on or above their noses far too often I have said before that my niece who is a speech pathologist feels safer in her hospital setting Than her school setting ….and that is not with full capacity

  4. Brazil’s numbers are really bad. Deaths are now over 2k every day, and heading towards 3k/day.

    India is a bit concerning as its case numbers are rising, but from a relatively low baseline.

    Central and parts of Western Europe are worrisome. France, Italy, Czech Republic, and Hungary are all seeing high case, hospitalization (and ICU), and death numbers.

    Our 7-day average numbers are very gradually declining at this point (with some plateauing in several regions). This is much better than rising. But, I’m uncomfortable with the baseline number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. Got to get lower.

    1. Again thank you. I’ve been seeing this but appreciate your putting it all together. It is worrisome because we have a nasty tendency to not look ahead. I keep hoping this one time we did

      1. Adding that baker mentioned a third surge today but in an odd context. I wondered if he is more concerned than he is letting on

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