7 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – March 17 2021”

  1. Thanks, Joshua. Will read if I can access


    With Baker planning to open to all as of Patriots day, is there a way to know what percent of folks at risk are still unable to find an appointment

    1. I will now be eligible on March 22. Glad that Baker has this state ahead of Biden’s date of May 1. I feel much better of Baker than I did yesterday.

      I just hope the registration process will be as painless as the vaccine.

  2. What’s going on in Brazil is tragic, preventable (at least the degree of suffering), and relentless. The P.1 variant scares the heck out of me. If that ever got going in the U.S. it would be bad news, as vaccines’ efficacy against it is significantly less, P.1’s transmissibility is worse than B.1.1.7, and it impacts a somewhat younger age group. https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1372305355460517891

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