8 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – March 20 2021”

    1. Thanks Joshua. Hopefully the E.U. can get it’s vaccination act together very soon. I thought here in the U.S. (MA) was bad enough. I heard on the radio news this morning that all eyes are on Florida with regard to college spring break drawing huge crowds. That would be a shame with all the progress that’s been made with vaccinations.

      Joshua, I only have one more “free” article of yours remaining. Including this latest, I have read 3 of them. Looking forward to your next (my last) article. Back in my day, there was no such thing as a free “lunch”. Nowadays, there’s no such thing as a free “article”.
      What has journalism come to? Oh well.

      1. It is sad that we have limited access and frustrating. Unfortunately, many people no longer buy actual newspapers. They have unlimited access online. This has put written media in a difficult position because of loss of revenue.

        1. I am a dinosaur I guess. I buy a newspaper every day. Mostly Boston Hearald but occasionally Boston Globe as well if a real major, major news story is happening (i.e., Boston sports team championship, natural disaster etc.). 🙂

            1. Not easy finding newspapers around Boston these days. Many stores don’t carry them anymore. The only newspaper “hawker” left in the city is at Back Bay Station.

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