12 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – April 17 2021”

  1. N.H. Gov. Sununu is hinting as a possible U.S. Senate candidate in 2022. As for dropping the mask order, it was based strictly on analytics and not politics. Yeah, right! 😉

    Joshua, have any democratic governors dropped their state’s mask orders to date? I am going to bet…NONE!

      1. Not sure if you saw my comment yesterday on my sister in law only just having been fully vaccinated in NH with her medical history. Just wrong. While a NH cousin (younger than I) and her husband received their vaccines earlier. MA is not the only state with problems accessing vaccines

    1. My brother mentioned this when I spoke to him yesterday. He wonders if a baker may be headed in the same direction.

      My brother has no use for him and believes his end of the mask mandate is politically motivated. I do not know if this is accurate because I don’t follow NH politics closely enough. The timing is worrisome and perhaps telling.

      1. Of course it’s politically motivated. Most Republicans have no use for science (masks, social distancing etc.) which has been clearly evident for more than a year now. As for Baker lifting the mask order anytime soon, highly unlikely imho. My guess sometime in 2022. Certainly NOT this year. The Boston Marathon in October is going to be one 26-mile long Petri dish as it is.

        1. I don’t think most of what we have are republicans as we knew them in my life. They are the new right. Sununu has supported Trump.

  2. I heard on the morning news that there are now two more “victims” of the J&J vaccine. A man and a woman. I guess this means that the side effects to the vaccine have no preference for sex?

  3. India had 265k cases today. Things are getting very bad there and it is the worst surge they have had to date.

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