12 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – June 17 2021”

  1. Joshua, do you know of other standard vaccines that have had side effects that are concerning but remained a small percent once a vast majority was vaccinated. I don’t consider this a small number as it is growing and only a small percent of kids have been vaccinated

  2. Vicki, I have read these reports. I’m concerned, too, about the possible heart inflammation. I just don’t consider myself an expert on this very clinical issue.

  3. UK’s new daily cases rose by 2,000 today and are now at 11,000 a day. Hospitalizations have increased by 43% in just the past week. 1,340 new hospitalizations this week across the country. The Delta variant means business in this highly vaccinated country (more 1st dose and 2nd dose folks than we have). The large majority of new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are among the unvaccinated. However, at least 25% are 1-dose vaccinated, and about 5% of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are fully vaccinated. This includes people vaccinated with Astra Zeneca and Pfizer.

    It’s always worth noting that pandemic truly means worldwide. In the end, no area of this earth of ours is spared.

    Africa’s caseload and hospitalizations have risen by 20% in the past week. In some countries the increase is more than that.

    U.S. embassy in Kabul has a bad outbreak of Covid-19:


    Greenland has what we would consider a minuscule outbreak – about 20 new cases in the past 3 weeks. But it’s enough for Greenlandic authorities to impose strict travel limits.


    Anyone interested in how Greenland has coped throughout the pandemic, with a zero tolerance Covid policy, may want to read this article. Contains some nice pictures of snowy Greenland in April of this year.


    1. Correction on Africa: in just one week a 44% caseload increase, and 20% increase in deaths.

  4. Thank you, Joshua. I knew I was taking a shot in the dark. I’m hoping the powers that be have the intelligence to know many will now understandably hesitate and keep some restrictions in place in schools come fall.

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