54 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – August 6 2021”

  1. Over 1,000 new Covid cases in Massachusetts yesterday.
    I am NOT liking the trends at all.

    As a comparison, over 20,000 new cases reported in Florida.

    These days I feel totally differently than I have all a long.
    Kind of a foreboding doom and gloom feeling. I hope it is

        1. Thanks and Yikes. I thought we were up to 70% a bit ago. I’m willing to bet that if you went by county, the problem would be out this way.

          1. We’re certainly above 70% for adults. The 64% is the percent of total population which is the stat I would prefer to see anyway.

        2. I have heard that vaccination rates are going up somewhat throughout the nation, especially among those low vaccination states, but I have no idea about Massachusetts specifically.

          Of course we can expect vaccination rates to “rise significantly” once mandatory vaccinations kick in from the public and private sectors for employment purposes. VERY sad it will come down to that. I just hope it won’t be a matter of “too little, too late.”

          1. Here you go, Philip. Some positive news

            Louisiana has seen a 302% increase in the average number of newly vaccinated per day; Mississippi, 250%; Alabama, 215%; and Arkansas, 206%.

      1. Thanks for sharing Dr. S! I would be curious as to how the UK is doing in the medal count. I know the US, China and Russia are the leaders. If I recall over the years, the UK usually does decent, but not spectacular.

  2. Vicki, how can those states you listed do better than 100%? Wouldn’t that be mathematically impossible?

  3. Here is a vaccine stat that just occurred to me. I wonder how many people get their first dose, but suddenly for whatever reason “chicken out” and never get their second dose?

    1. I would be curious if there are any stats on that. I would think, unfortunately, there are some folks out there never getting that second dose.

      1. Yes, there are people who never returned for a 2nd shot.
        My wife was almost one of them since she got so sick with the 1st dose. Some of our elderly clients did not return for 1nd
        dose on advice of their physician.

        So, yes, there are people who only received one dose.

        So far, the only stats I have seen are those who are partially vaccinated. Once there is no increase in vaccinations, then
        those partially vaccinated would represent those who
        have not/will not received the 2nd dose.

  4. Maybe I’m off the mark or missing something. Everything is opening up fully with no distancing and in photos I’m not seeing masks. Kids groups, senior groups, literally everything.

    So many I speak with have no idea that delta is breaking through the vaccine.

    1. Totally and completely IRRESPONSIBLE!!!
      My wife and I are seeing the same and we are FURIOUS!

      The Fenway Park concerts are DISGUSTING!!!!

      Grand Petri DIsh Events to be sure! People are/were PACKED in there and NONE are/were wearing masks!

  5. Typical double speak. Seem to be using the fuzzy math JPD pointed out doesn’t work??? Also, I laugh the SEVERAL times it mentions no vaccine protects 100%. No one expected that. What is doesn’t say is that they now protect 60%. No one expected that either.

    My mom never swore…..with one exception. I never understood what she meant. I sure do now as it works well here. Cover your eyes if you prefer which I understand

    Her comment…..he wouldn’t say shit if he had a mouthful of it.

        1. Good grief I’ve exhausted the little self control I have for today. Sure I want to hear

          I do think that if handled correctly, NyC restrictions to only vaccinated should be in place everywhere. I’m also thinking there should be some form of recourse for states that encourage activities that create more covid cases. Maybe hold federal money. Heaven knows Trump threatened it often enough and the right cheered him.

  6. Not enough time to post much about Covid-19. But, it’s important to say the following. The media has been reporting the steep ascent followed by rapid decline in cases, as if that’s somehow the whole story regarding Delta waves. It’s not. The bigger and more mysterious story is why after the rapid drop cases plateau at very high levels. This did NOT happen in the UK with previous variants, or in many other countries (they dipped to very low levels). It is definitely happening with Delta. Cases are no longer declining. In fact, they’ve actually increased in the past 5 days, with less testing. Even India just can’t seem to get cases below 45k (it tests very little) and deaths are stuck at 550 a day. I am very puzzled by the plateau, and concerned that it may be at an even higher level here. That could allow yet another wave to develop this winter.

        1. Thanks. It fits a whole lot more. Definitely many of our healthcare folks as this article shows. Surely many politicians. I really think we need to start holding the vaccinated accountable. With this many breakthroughs, someone is doing more than is safe ….while blaming only the unvaccinated

  7. Yes, I’m very much enjoying the visit with my daughter. Don’t worry. I’m not discussing Covid with her.

  8. I admit I do cherish walking around the city outside without a mask. It feels good. 🙂

    Should “acting” Mayor Janey impose an outdoor mask mandate, she will NOT get my vote! I still feel confident fully vaccinated people can safely walk the streets maskless as long as there are no mass gatherings (protests) like last year.

    Having said that, those Fenway concerts should mandate masks once inside imo. Just recently, the NE Aquarium and some museums have reinstated masks inside their venues. I have no problem with that.

    The Delta can take my “indoor” air I guess but it is NOT taking my “outdoor” air as well. I am not reliving 2020 in that regard. It’s good to see folks around walking the streets like it’s 2019.

    1. Just curious Joshua. Are the streets of London walking around maskless like here in Boston and most cities here in the US?

  9. The Obama birthday bash was going to have 700 guests. As much as I believe in going maskless outdoors, I hope the guest list will not only be trimmed significantly, but that social distancing still be a must!

    1. I thought he’d cut it down to just close friends and family. Everyone will be tested ahead of time

    1. Now this is both uplifting and heartbreaking. Of late I didn’t think anything from FL would be far better than what we have.

      Does anyone…..ANYONE….in this state think that kids who struggle with masks won’t be bullied. Does anyone think kids who opt to wear masks won’t be bullied. One of the reasons for remote is to protect kids who are being bullied. Chalk another one up for Riley.

  10. Jet lag has me up. Did sleep a few hours.

    I’d say that London and Boston are incredibly similar in terms of mask-wearing. Not much wearing outdoors, and indoors it’s hit or miss. The majority of people in cafes, boutiques, and stores wear masks (though, just like in Boston, often the wrong way!) This said, it’s an absolute requirement at all healthcare facilities, including pharmacies. And, it can’t be a bandana or goiter. A lot of folks here with K95 masks. I have also noticed more conscious distancing here than in Boston. This may be more a function of British tendency to queue respectfully than Covid – you know, at bus stops – and allow others space when possible. I do like these English formalities, especially during Covid. The English are generally so polite. Among the big cities in the world that I’ve visited London is BY FAR the most polite and even friendly. It’s not even close.

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