21 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – August 12 2021”

  1. So it was two weeks ago when I got my sore throat followed by bad coughing… The sore throat went away rather quickly but the coughing stayed however it abated little by little. Every now and again I catch myself having to cough a few times.

    Today at work I was talking about having to use a cpap machine with another coworker who said he uses a cpap machine. He asked me “what do you think about the phillips recall? Do you use a phillips machine?” I do indeed – it’s a phillips dreamstation. A lot of ventillators and cpap machines by phillips have been recalled because of some sound dampening foam used within the machine is apparently toxic. Can you guess some of the things it can cause? If you guessed sore throats and coughing you would be correct. And that’s just the start of some of the adverse effects. If you know someone who uses a phillips based cpap machine feel free to watch this video: https://youtu.be/kFxtA3y1ucQ

    So now I’m faced with finding a replacement in a market that is bogged down by people needing new cpap machines and the companies that produce them are bogged down by ventillator production and other such things because of the pandemic. What an absolutely chaotic mix.

    1. Wow. I don’t even know what to say. Really good that you figured it out, but it just seems unreal that something to help you breathe causes what it is attempting to alleviate.

    2. Sorry this is affecting you Doc.

      I was aware of this story about phillips CPAP because I have a CPAP machine.

      I hope you are able to find a replacement as quickly as possible. I also hope whatever you choose to do, in the meantime, works for you. Once you get used to sleeping with one, I found it takes a while to get used to without. Then, when your without, it takes some time to get used to it again.

      1. Did you have a phillips and did you get it replaced? I’m hearing horror story after horror story about people getting theirs replaced.

              1. Let us know, I
                be curious. Thanks

                btw, I just double checked. I might be WRONG (well that’s a first. 🙂 🙂 🙂 )

                Mine is a REMmaster auto

                I also just found this.

                Other Manufacturer Recall 2021 – ResMedhttps://www.resmed.com › en-us › other-manufacturer-…
                Jul 14, 2021 — Yes, all ResMed masks are safe to use as directed. ResMed products are not subject to Philips’ June 2021 recall*. ResMed’s AirTouch line of foam …

                I SHOULD have double checked. I am so sorry.

                Not Resmed. I am so sorry IF I alarmed you.

                1. No worries at all ! Thank you for caring to point it out. I haven´t checked yet and am too lazy to head down to get the serial number, but I will 🙂 🙂 🙂

    3. INDEED. I have the same issues.

      I have a new machine on order that I couldn’t order until
      I got a new prescription and that took some doing.

      The company I use, Reliable Respiratory in Norwood promises they have machines, but they are a little back logged. They promised me my machine by early next week. We shall see about that.

      Good luck.

  2. Just got back to the sauna they’re calling Boston.

    I will self-isolate for a week; and get tested next week. The flight was packed. Many people coughing; especially children. I know they all had Covid tests prior to the flight, but that’s next to meaningless if they had them 3 days prior (like I did).

    UK case numbers and deaths are rising again. Latest number is >33k; with the 3rd straight day over 100 deaths. It’s a sustained 8 day streak of increases. Not a good sign. I’ve warned people before to not assume that just because cases came down rapidly for one week that all is okay. I fear something similar will happen here. Of course, the U.S. is in a different stratosphere altogether, however. Less testing, no mitigation whatsoever, hospitalizations through the roof in more than 10 states, deaths headed towards 1,000 a day. I get back to Logan and INS doesn’t ask about my vaccination status, contact tracing information, Covid test, or anything relevant. No, they ask me how much cash I have in my wallet. Good lord. INS has asked me many questions over the years, none of which made any sense. “Why do you live overseas so much. Do you love your country?” was perhaps the strangest. Another one – “Ever lived in Brooklyn?” I said, no. “You know, there’s a Joshua Cohen in the system, and he lives in Brooklyn. Same age. Is that you?” I said no. “You’re sure.” I said, yes again. I should have said, it’s not surprising that there are plenty of Joshua Cohens in Brooklyn. It’s a common Jewish name.

    1. It isn’t funny, but sometimes I think you just have to laugh or you will cry

      I am so happy you were able to make the trip happen

  3. U.S. nationwide test positivity is 9.7%. Will likely go over 10% very soon.

    I think endemic Covid will be difficult to deal with. Israel now has between 15 and 20 deaths a day, hundreds of critically ill patients and rising, and an unknown number of Long Covid patients. Its vaccination rate is about as high as the U.S. could ever go (I actually doubt the U.S. will ever reach Israeli levels of vaccination). If this is our future, then it’s not going to be easy. And that’s setting aside the possibility of a variant that is more successful at bypassing the vaccines.

    Regardless, the U.S. is currently mired in a prolonged life expectancy slump. Began in 2014 and accelerated with Covid. It will further drop in 2021, substantially, by perhaps 1 year or so (though not as much as in 2020), and we haven’t even addressed some of the other issues plaguing our nation, like opioids, suicide, traffic fatalities, and homicides. We could have a lost generation on our hand in terms of overall worsening of health and income for a sustained period of time.

    1. Dire doesn’t begin to describe.

      San Francisco has a vaccine mandate for all indoor activities. So far, my BIL says they have not had any problems with unvaccinated being denied. CA has a vaccine mandate for all teachers. I hope more will follow suit with proof of vaccine mandates. But where the hell is Baker. If he is burned out, then step down.

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