41 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – September 9 2021”

        1. I worry how few in this country are aware that vaccinated play a part in this. A much smaller part to be sure but a part nonetheless. Biden needs to stop the polarization. Although there was no way I’d have ever voted for trump, It was a reason I voted for Biden. I thought that was what he’d do.

          1. Absolutely true!!

            The number of break through cases as a percent of the population is very low, however, break though cases as a percent of new cases is very high.

            For MA, during a one week period it was 37%

            Average of 1684 cases per day for 1 week = 11,778
            cases in a week with 4,415 break through cases.
            4,415/11,778 gives a percentage of 37.485% of new
            cases in that week were break through cases.

            1. I will never understand why this is not the formula used. It has to be intentional.

              I shared Joshua’s link with a FB group I’m part of last night. I was told that by using Yahoo I’m drinking the Kool Aid. There are direct quotes in the article by Topol and Wen and other extremely qualified individuals. People see what they want even when truth is right in front of them. I’m sure I am also very capable of doing the same. I don’t think I am in this instance though

              1. I don’t think so either.

                There are a substantial number of break through cases in newly reported cases.

                The saving part is that as an overall population percentage it is very low.

                But to me, the break through cases are ALARMING! What does it hold for the future???

            2. I agree this is the formula that should be used and wish they could also break down this data down even more as follows:

              Of the breakthrough cases which vaccine was administered and how many were fully vaccinated? Meaning if it’s a two-dose they received both.

  1. Does anyone here know approximately what time is Biden’s address? Or is it tonight during prime time?

    Btw, his poll numbers are at an all time low to date.

    1. Good. I do hope he is smart enough to stop pitting vaccinated against unvaccinated as that will only add salt to the wounds. I know it seems trivial, but I truly don’t believe it is. He needs to state we all need to work as one as vaccinated breakthrough infections are also adding to the covid numbers.

      1. Well, I’m already yelling at the TV. Funny how I thought that would stop when Trump left office

        His first words were we need to work together and then he spends time patting himself on the back and then takes a swipe at people who are confused in part (NOT totally) because of his administrations mixed messages

    2. Well what he did was better than nothing. Iwasn’t entirely happy with all he said for sure. Now let’s see what happens.

    1. Me, too.

      Biden’s speech was a bit late, but better late than never. I’m pleased with the Administration being more proactive.

      1. I do hope this plan works. I see lots of court challenges. But as he said, some businesses are already putting mandates in place. I also hope Baker will not make himself visible and enforce the steps Biden requested from governors.

    1. Do we have any actual data on fully vaccinated. Biden skewed a few numbers today. Is there any severe illness or death. I get tired of hearing …well, they are over 65 and had preexisting conditions. Over 65 IMO Is a preexisting condition on its own

      1. Some states, yes. Utah and Oklahoma. It seems the % hospitalized is around 12%; % of deaths around 8%. This does mean the vaccines work well. Just not perfectly. Not all the fully vaccinated who wind up in hospital are over 65, by the way, but many are.

        Today’s death toll in the U.S. of more than 3,300 is staggering. Yes, it includes a backlog. But any way you slice it it’s bad. On top of that, we’ve uncovered under-counting of 16,000 nursing home deaths. These will be added to the total. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1436141547376951319

        I think that in 2021 we’ll lose more people than 2020. we’re already closing in. Also, life expectancy will take another enormous hit. We may be back at numbers last seen in the 1970s and 80s for life expectancy. I kind of wish Biden would say something like this, wake people up to the reality that as a nation we’re failing in our most fundamental of pursuits – to live longer, which we were doing from generation to generation until around 2012-2014. We’re an extreme outlier compared to our peers. Would saying something like this wake people up? Probably not.

        1. Thanks, Joshua. That sadly isn’t what Biden said.

          I really wonder if he had said he knew reports had been mixed and they had announced boosters too soon but everything is changing quickly and they vow to do better going forward if that might have resonated better.

        2. I do know all are not over 65. But sadly, that seems to be a catch phrase. Do you know what 8% of is in numbers. Biden seemed to have it at zero

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