27 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – October 8 2021”

  1. Thanks TK!

    I heard this morning that San Francisco will be lifting their indoor mask mandate for some venues on October 15th due to 80% vaccination rates.

    Lucky stiffs. 🙁

  2. Compelling indeed. It will be interesting to see this graph extended in a month. There is a slight uptick in third vaccine but is still very low. I Wonder how long it will take for moderna approval. I also wonder if they found something to delay the approval. And then I wonder a bit tongue in cheek about the number of our politicians with pfeizer stock 😉


    1. Thanks for that tip, Vicki. I knew that the virus can travel a lot more than 6 feet, but not the “lingering” aspect.

      Good that the Marathon is focused on social distancing, which has been lacking ever since vaccine distribution. I have been sort of lax myself. It’s going to be more of a “rolling rally” with runners at different times and no village gathering prior to the race, if I understand correctly.

        1. I got my Shingles #2 yesterday. Done!

          I am BEYOND vaccinated between booster, flu, tetanus, shingles. I say keep’em coming. 🙂

          1. Nice. Did you react to the shingles? I know second is 2-6 months after first so won’t have second shingles before I get the third covid. But hopefully one will keep the booster from activating shingles….and I do know that is on the rare side so far.

  3. – Boosters (3rd shots) outpacing new vaccinations in US. No surprise here. Those who won’t get vaccinated are entrenched, unless forced to.

    – R (reproduction number) is rising on the European continent. Similar rise in the UK. It’s not a significant increase, but R is above 1 for the first time in several months, suggesting a resurgence of the coronavirus is imminent (or already underway). Let’s hope the resurgence is muted.

    1. I had heard that. Lots of pfeizer folks out there apparently.

      I know of a fair amount who originally chose not to vaccinate that are now vaccinated. They were the ones who took a wait and see approach. My guess is they will do the same re third vaccine. But then it won’t be needed for a while anyway. I’m even in a wait and see approach for third.

    1. Nice. Do mind if I ask if you reacted to either of the first two?

      Do you go anywhere for the third vaccine or do you have to return to where you had other two? I’d heard the latter, but that seems to be incorrect given that many places that gave first are no longer vaccinating

      I figure by the time moderna is approved that I’ll know exactly what to do 🙂

      1. A little soreness with the first one; I was exceptionally tired the evening of the second one–and I’m not sure if that was the vaccine or my usual insomnia. At the time of the first vaccine, in addition to covid stress, my daughter decided that it was a good time to go to Egypt and Turkey with her Israeli boyfriend. She got a good deal on the plane tickets and hotels…

        I went to CVS for all three, but not the same store for the booster. I just went to the closest one for the third; with the first two, I took what I could get. I made an appointment, but I’m not sure it was necessary. The only thing was that in making the appointment, I had to fill in all my insurance info again. Other than that, easy peasy.

        1. I would be curious if TK and/or his mom received their boosters. They are both more than qualified.

        2. Thank you VERY much for your reply. I felt stressed just hearing about your daughter’s trip. I am hoping I can just go to the pharmacy I went to this am for my flu shot. It is open and, although part of the supermarket, set off on its own with its own entrance. I did have a strong reaction to my second and, as I’ve said here, irregular heartbeat a couple of weeks after second. I don’t go anywhere so will give it a bit more time.

          I sure hope you have an easy night and day tomorrow.

          1. I should have added that both my daughter and her boyfriend were fully vaccinated and are both anesthesiology residents in NYC. If anyone deserved a fabulous trip, it was them. But Egypt, really?

  4. Deb, thank you for sharing your story on getting a booster. I’m not eligible, but would like to get one if I could.

  5. U.S. cases are decreasing, along with hospitalizations. But, when news media – including CNN and NYT – say the “U.S. has gotten Covid under control” I scratch my head and wonder about our nation’s future. Are we really going to just accept this as okay:

    – New cases: 115,472
    – Average: 97,380 (-1,826)
    – In hospital: 65,829 (-1,570)
    – In ICU: 18,040 (-386)
    – New deaths: 2,498
    – Average: 1,781 (+2)

    Prior to Covid, I wrote about infant mortality (a problem for decades), HIV (especially during the 80s and 90s), opioids (since 1999), homicides (a problem for decades), etc … I found then as I do now that the normalization of death in this country is unreal. And often those who do the most normalizing claim to be “pro-life.” What the hell does that mean? Even though I’m pro choice I get it that someone wants to protect the lives of the unborn. But, hey, about being pro-iife in a consistent way.

    1. I’ve read your post three times ..not because I didn’t understand it but because I simply cannot comprehend that this is US. I agree…..through the tears your are sadly correct. What the hell….

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