39 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – January 8 2022”

  1. Thanks TK.

    I heard on the radio this morning that Covid-19 cases are now increasing among children 5 years old and younger.

    1. I would think they would have to with so many siblings bringing it home from school. And probably in the day care setting Ace mentioned yesterday. I’m not sure what can be done about that.

      1. This was part of a Globe article this am.

        “ Omicron is by far the most infectious coronavirus variant and one of the fastest-spreading viruses ever known. First detected in late November, it traveled the world within one month, infecting millions. Some experts have called it the second-most infectious disease after measles, while one doctor calculated that it transmits even faster than measles.”

      1. This gets more worrisome by the day. Thank you, Amy.

        It is wonderful to hear your family has recovered. I know that even when family members are not positive, it takes a toll on them with worry. Hugs to you all!

    1. When will the Biden tests arrive in our mailboxes? He promised that they would be available this month.

      They are probably on “back order”? 🙁

      I also find it interesting that Biden’s State of the Union speech isn’t scheduled until March 1st, the latest one given by a sitting President, if I’m not mistaken. We need some reassurance NOW with this Omicron going around the nation.

      Is the WH hoping that by March, Omicron cases will taper off by then, and Biden will be able to “take credit”? Hmmmm.

  2. There was this doctor on yesterday’s Ch. 5 news at 5:00 that mentioned that scientists are working on a nasal spray for Omicron.

    Does this replace the vaccine?

    1. Hmmmm. Very Curious. I thought the recommendation is to possibly swab throat also, but then maybe the nasal spray drips back into throat and works that way.

      1. I had mentioned yesterday for at home tests many experts are now recommending swabbing the back of the throat first and in addition to the nasal swabs. Not sure if that’s what is meant here.

        1. I’ve been under the impression that the coronavirus starts in the nasal area then travels throughout the body.

        2. I was thinking of your post that mentioned that yesterday. My first thought was why spray for nose and not throat – similar to an inhaler. But then what goes in the nose also drips down the throat.

          This will be interesting to follow.

  3. There was a bit of a rush at my local CVS for test kits early this AM. The kits came in last night and apparently shoppers knew it.

    1. There is apparently an app out there that people are using to find tests. I wonder if it announces ahead of time

  4. Mama and of course all

    From the Globe this am.

    “Can I still get long COVID if I’m vaccinated and boosted?

    Sadly, it appears so. Vaccinated people who have had mild, breakthrough cases of COVID-19 have developed long COVID, a syndrome in which symptoms such as memory loss and fatigue continue for months after a COVID infection. But studies differ on whether or not vaccines reduce the likelihood of developing long COVID.

    Dr. Jason H. Maley, director of Beth Israel Medical Center’s Critical Illness and COVID-19 Survivorship Program, said his clinic has “certainly continued to see long COVID with breakthrough infections and it’s become clear that unfortunately patients are at risk of long COVID in that scenario.”

    With Omicron’s fast rise and ability to infect vaccinated people, the numbers of people with long COVID could soar.

    “We anticipate that long COVID will be similarly common among people infected with Omicron,” Maley said in an e-mail. “We don’t have firm data on this because it’s just too early in the course of the current Omicron surge to know long-term outcomes.”

    The risk of long COVID is another reason why vaccinated people should continue to wear masks and take other precautions. Even though Omicron appears to produce milder illness than other variants, COVID-19 remains a disease you don’t want to get.”

    For those who have the Globe, this is a fairly good article


      1. I did remember that. I pasted the blurb on long covid that I was focusing on above the link so anyone who doesn’t subscribe can read

  5. This is getting close to the final stage in the disaster planning sheets Macs brother and I put together in 2006.

    I have to believe that folks who think schools should not close nationwide for a week or two while some plan is created has not seen the number of 60,000 cases in MA alone in five days. I may be incorrect and apologize if I am. I always remember what Felix said about assuming and try to live by It. This time might be a fail

  6. Attended a Bar Mitzvah today. All congregants/attendees – there weren’t that many (many more were watching on live stream) – had to take a rapid test onsite prior to the event. Most people were double-masking as well. Everyone wore a mask. And you could not take off your mask at all (except the rabbi, cantor, and Bar Mitzvah boy when they were reciting, singing, or speaking). We even had to drink the tea and coffee they offered outdoors.

    1. Very sad that we as humans now have to live like this. Even some zoo animals have been infected with Covid. Will our pets be next?

    2. I’m glad you could go. Good for the congregation. Oddly, I don’t mind this. It shows respect which is a wonderful lesson for the young man and his friends whom I am sure are watching

      1. Speaking of eating/drinking outdoors, I’ve heard that some school districts are either already or considering their students have their lunches outside or opening all windows in cafeterias, winter or not.

        1. We have had tents in Sutton all year. But for warmer weather. Other schools have also. This is what schools do when they are left to make their own decisions.

          But Philip, too many kids won’t and often can’t leave masks on.

  7. This is beyond serious

    The saddest part is this is what we didn’t want by shutting down for a short period of time. And now we have when everyone fought ten fold. And we are doing the same damned thing with schools. We are fools. Sorry maybe harsh but it is true.

    Boston Globe

    “ Omicron whips through the workforce, pushing overstretched staffs to the brink
    As Omicron whips through the workforce, caregiving agencies are turning away new patients. Restaurants are shutting down. Construction jobs are being delayed. Retailers, including Macy’s, are limiting hours.

    And some small business owners are at the breaking point.

    The colossally contagious COVID-19 variant emerged at the worst possible time for employers, as workers — many of them vaccinated and eager to socialize — were gathering with family members over the holidays. Infections flattened entire families at once in some cases. And for organizations that don’t have the luxury of allowing people to work remotely, the surge in positive cases is exacerbating a long-simmering staffing crisis that has grown even more urgent in recent months as record numbers of people quit their jobs.”

  8. Yes, I think they managed the Bar Mitzvah well. There were a lot of older folks there, including the rabbi. Better safe than sorry. The testing itself was a painless procedure. At the end of the ceremony and shabbat service we all took our boxed lunches home. There will be a celebratory party for the Bar Mitzvah boy in late March.

    1. Had my daughter’s bat mitzvah earlier this fall— we decided to have her party fully masked with no food—saved a boatload of $$$$ too!

      1. As with my sons wedding, that was a great time.

        I know I am a few months late, but I wish your daughter many blessings

  9. Vicki – apologies for my incredibly belated reply re: throat swab – my understanding is that apparently unlike delta which started replicating first primarily in the nasal cavity, they think omicron begins first in the throat. So throat swabs catch more virus early on / less false negatives. (Says me who is NOT a doctor!)

    1. You are right. It is what made me wonder how effective a spray in the nose would work rather than something that goes right to the throat. But maybe a nasal spray will work

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