10 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – March 18 2022”

    1. The Stop & Shop in Brookline has now made masks optional for the first time since the pandemic began. I went in there yesterday and the “optional” sign replaced the mask one. I actually didn’t notice until I left. Most employees and shoppers still wore them.

      Also, some local area colleges have lifted masks. Not where I work yet at Mass. Art though.

      I believe most bars and restaurants in the area have lifted all Covid-19 protocols from what I can tell. I no longer see signs or the signs no longer apply.

      It would be a shame if that new variant shows up here in the U.S, and we’ll have to start over yet AGAIN! It’s probably inevitable though.

      My Citizens Bank is now mask optional again. I believe I was the only person (employee or customer) wearing a mask.

  1. Limited mask-wearing in the UK, and no distancing whatsoever. Not a surprise that they’re spiking with cases and hospital admissions. I’ll be lucky if I don’t test positive. I have to test before coming home. We shall see. I’m a bit apprehensive about it, but try not to let it dampen my spirits. I’m certainly careful, but can’t avoid being indoors and around loads of people. The other thing I always notice when I’m here is that so many people are coughing – deep bronchial coughs. The climate here lends itself to more respiratory illnesses of all kinds.

    1. Their PM is a poor example, much like Trump.

      Just enjoy the time with your daughter, Joshua! I know you’ll stay as safe as possible. 🙂

        1. No. Very little. And it’s very crowded. I did walk 10 miles today in part to avoid having to take public transit (on a positive note you do get to see a lot when you walk). But there’s only so much walking that one can do.

          The difference between Covid measures/mask-wearing last August and today is astonishing. From quite a bit to very little.

          I am enjoying my time with my daughter. But, the negative test requirement to return means it’ll be in the back of my mind until Monday afternoon when I test.

          I got BA.1 and was extraordinarily careful. More so than I am here. Frankly, it’s impossible to be careful here unless you don’t go anywhere. And that would defeat the purpose of being here. Unlike in August every place/restaurant I’ve gone to is packed. Have sat outside a few times, but usually the outdoor patios are full with no seats available.

          1. Very surprising that no mask mandate on public transit over there. It’s no wonder cases are shooting up just on that alone.

            1. Agree.

              Masks aren’t a panacea. They probably are only 20% -25% effective against Omicron. But still, that means that by wearing masks you can prevent tens of thousands of cases every day.

  2. Joshua, the lack of a lag between positives and hospitalizations concerns me. Do you know if those hospitalized are mostly seniors who are not vaccinated? Or do hospitalizations span age groups and vaccine status?

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