15 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – April 4 2022”

    1. Thanks Vicki, very helpful article. I didn’t realize pharmacists had it that bad. I have always received my flu shots at CVS and back in the day, nurses were brought in to the stores and distributed those shots to customers. Pharmacists didn’t get involved to be best of my knowledge and just took care of prescriptions.

  1. School numbers continue is to go up slowly. March was not as high as February. It worries me I can say just over 9,500 in 20 in-school days isn’t as bad as….

    Also some random town numbers. Natick and needham are having a tough time but other towns surprise me also. I suspect the admin who theorized that these towns are keeping better track of in home positives is correct. We know the numbers here are lower than the actual numbers


  2. Fallout from the anti-vax nonsense. 8 polio cases thus far discovered in Israel. Probably more to come. https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/article-703081

    Please note, we have politicians in this country right now, in the Senate and House, who opposes ALL childhood vaccination mandates. Moreover, there are many candidates in the primaries who are saying the same thing. This is outrageous anti-science garbage. Seriously. Do we want polio back? Measles? Rubella? Hep B? Diphtheria? I know we live in a democracy – well, sort of – but anyone who wants to get rid of traditional childhood vaccine mandates should be disqualified from running.

    1. We have many far right and left who should be disqualified. We need to get $$ out of politics. People say term limits. I don’t agree since we stil get the same wealthy bad actors. I firmly believe we need a blind trust for election funds. Everyone on the same footing and no one knows where the money comes from

      1. Agree. And John McCain agreed with you, too. Too bad his brand of GOP no longer exists. Torn asunder by Trump and his acolytes.

  3. File this one under “only in America.” https://twitter.com/TalkAboutPD/status/1489630887591526407

    1. Direct to consumer ads of prescription drugs: Not allowed in any other country except New Zealand.

    2. There are far more ads like this than, say, a promotional for Covid-19 boosters shots. This, my friends, is insanity. FDA Commissioner Califf is right when he said last week: “In America, the business of healthcare is booming, but the people’s health is not improving.” So true. He also focused his attention on our appalling life expectancy numbers. I’m glad he did. Very few public health officials do.

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