19 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – July 6 2022”

  1. I have read that the BA5 variant attacks the respiratory system
    and thus can be more deadly. And oh boy does it ever evade the immune system and vaccinations!

  2. My son partied in Chicago over the holiday and came back with Covid. He is sick and says it’s like a milder version of the flu.
    We’ll see how he feels today. Not sure which variant he has.

    We KNEW he would come home with it.

    This is at least the 2nd time he has had it.

      1. Thank you. We spoke to him last evening and he was ok, sick , but not terribly sick. Just hoping it is no worse today.

    1. So sorry about that JPD. Hope he gets better soon. Had he been fully vaccinated? Was his partying indoors or outdoors?

      1. Yes and both outdoors and indoors all over the place.
        He went to shows, clubs, parties, dinners, a river cruise , fireworks on Lake Michigan and even attended a redsox-cubs game. He was literally everywhere.

  3. JPD, hope your son feels better soon. Keep in mind, even though BA.5 is much more immune evasive than previous sub-variants of Omicron, vaccinations and boosters (and natural immunity) will still provide some immunity. It’s not a binary thing: You have it or you don’t. No, BA.5 evades immunity well, but the virus still must contend with your T and B cells which you’ve built up with vaccinations and natural immunity. An immunologist taught me some of the principles of immunity in the summer of 2020, and he said it’s quite complex.

    BA.5 does impact the respiratory system more than previous sub-variants, as JPD alluded to. It’s also more severe in some people than previous sub-variants.

    I don’t like the looks of BA.5, but I think it’s easier to manage than BA.2.75, which I really thing ought to be given a totally different Greek letter.

    1. This is why I Thank TK as often as possible for this side of his blog. Thanks Joshua for constantly keeping us updated on Covid-19. It’s been quite awhile since the media has had updates like this. Recently it’s been all about abortion demonstrations, mass/school shootings, January 6th, and Ukraine. Even monkeypox no longer gets a mention anymore.

      It’s no wonder the public acts like it’s 2019 again. I was recently on a packed Orange Line car and very few were wearing masks from what I could tell. YUCK!!!

      1. As we say over on the WHW blog, “the trend is your friend”. Hope it holds true for your son. 🙂

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