13 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – August 3 2022”

  1. Strange tweet fro Dr. Topol. He says the U.S. fared “better than Europe” with respect to the BA.5 sub-variant. Well, maybe in terms of case levels, but not in terms of deaths. And with cases we know these are underreported.

  2. The mom of a friend who has cancer needs a PET scan. The dye needed from china so will have to have a CT

    This is Dana Farber

  3. BA.5 is the latest in a string of sub-variants, as we know. There are several more sub-variants out there, but they’re not gaining traction. Could this be the news we’ve been waiting to hear for 29 months? Namely, herd immunity. Could the virus be running out of options? Man, do I hope so. It would be really nice to no longer have to think about Covid-19.

    The reproductive number for monkeypox in the U.S. is now the highest in the world, R=1.55, compared to a 1.29 average. No surprise here. I’m still waiting to see a public health message on TV on monkeypox. Apparently, they’re on the TV and radio (and in newspapers and online) in the Netherlands day in and day out. I remember this from HIV in the 80s: Constant bombardment of messages in Holland, also in schools. And, it worked. The Netherlands cut transmission rates and ultimately had one of the lowest death rates from HIV. Monkeypox isn’t as deadly. However, I’m hearing that in certain municipalities – Atlanta, SF, NYC – there are very seriously ill patients being admitted. It won’t be long until there are deaths in the U.S. from this disease. Based on African data it generally takes 4 to 8 weeks from case detection to death, should death occur (which is not likely, by the way – CFR is under 1% worldwide and probably between 0.10% and 0.15%).

    This is what they’re treating monkeypox cases with in Massachusetts: https://twitter.com/NewsMedical/status/1554826281111404544

    From a nurse in Georgia: https://twitter.com/SuzeQKnits/status/1554924113977810944

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