23 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – September 19 2022”

  1. Dr. Francis Collins, former head of NIH on what he believes are reasons that so many people shunned the vaccines:

    “We failed to convey scientific information in a fashion that was compelling. We were basically outgunned dramatically by lies and conspiracies in social media. We should have had our own version of flooding the system with truth instead of having the system completely flooded with lies.”

    Since late 2020 many have been saying this, myself included.

    1. Add me to that group. We know mRNA vaccines have limited years of actual use. In order to put folks at ease, everything he says is 100%. I’ve often said that I understood hesitancy except when politically motivated. Very sad indeed

    1. Biden inexplicably said in early July 2021 (!) that the “virus is on the run.” Needless to say, that was a very ignorant statement. Since July 2021 we’ve had hundreds of thousands of deaths in the U.S. and millions worldwide.

      This makes yesterday’s statement even more infuriating. Sure, the end of the pandemic is in sight, but we’re NOT there yet. Hoping we’re there isn’t actually being there.

      Finally, for a graph that depicts the importance of vaccination, this one is second-to-none. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1571563355508473856

      1. Politics always gets in the way.

        Biden senses momentum is in the Democrats’ favor, on a number of fronts. The GOP has made numerous unforced errors since late June, and isn’t seizing the moment as it ought to. Midterms are traditionally bad for the incumbent party. But, this year may prove to be an exception (and Trump is part of the problem, which the GOP fails to recognize, but will in due course, as in on November 9th). By saying the pandemic is over, Biden is implicitly touting his Administration’s record on Covid as having been good, as having defeated the pandemic. To me, this is more of a political statement than one based in reality.

        1. Joshua, you may very well answered my response below. It seems that the medical community is playing along with the politics as well.

  2. Thanks Vicki for posting Biden’s interview with 60 Minutes. I watched it yesterday after the game and I was going to mention it here.

    I guess Joshua is the only one not accepting 450+ deaths per day. The WH and the entire medical community has given the pandemic the “all clear”sign. Nothing more to see here.

    Then why is it that I have a Covid-19 notification alert on my phone just this morning? 😉

  3. Philip, this is wording for each tweet. I created a link so I wouldn’t take up space with a long comment. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you can’t open.

    I apologize for not doing this originally and will try to remember in the future


  4. I typed this then forgot to post.

    Philip I think you don’t use Twitter do it is natural that you don’t see the outcry. If you can’t read my tweet links above, I’d be happy to take screen shots of the wording.

    Every health expert I follow on Twitter is disgusted. Any caring person would be. I wonder what Biden’s threshold is for deaths per day since we have had 400-500 daily since April. I wonder when he says everyone seems to be going all right if it occurred to him how hundreds of thousands struggling with long covid felt hearing that.

    Last night and today there is tweet after tweet by experts who are clearly upset by Biden’s seemed lack of care and all in the name of politics

    This is no better than trump. And it is clear now why he led the charge sending our children and our teachers into schools without an ounce of prevention. And how he is justifying cutting off government coverage for anything covid related.

    This is appalling

    Sorry for the rant. I’m beyond upset

    1. Yes, indeed. I am certainly not the only one who’s less than happy with the sense I get of resignation to pretty much everything Covid-related.

      I am not a Covidian. Life does have to go on, and should.

      However, there have been and continue to be public health failures. These need to be addressed, along with messaging. And, we’re not doing that. I thought the Biden Administration would be better. It was at first. But, from around May 2021 onward it’s been doing a relatively poor job, especially on communicating, messaging, and now on government coverage of tests, vaccines, and treatments.

      1. You may remember my unease from the start of the Biden administration when it came to schools. I felt his wife had far too great an influence and she wanted all kids back.

        My stance on schools should be very clear. No child should be forced into a dangerous situation so there needs to be alternatives. But Dr Jill Biden made it clear before her husband took office that she wanted all kids back in school. Sad part is the Calgary zoo continues to require masks for anyone in the rainforest area to protect lemurs, gorillas, etc. and we cannot do the same for our children and school staff

        I had hoped that, while it is a bad enough failure, i
        Biden might be stronger in other Covid areas. He has not been

        And now we are finding out virtually all of those children exposed and the hundreds ox thousands who were positive are showing blood vessel damage.

        And now thanks to Biden families who cannot afford Covid treatment may no longer be able to get it. And others who were able to work from home may have to return to a workplace without any precautions. I’m horribly ashamed of our country for too many reasons right now and this clearly out me over the top.

        1. Perhaps we would have been better off with Trump, at least as far as Covid??

          Although I can’t picture him taking Covid more seriously either.

          Maybe Presidents (and world leaders in general) don’t do well in dealing with pandemics.

    1. There is this explanatory comment:
      “Very unscientific explanation:
      They have developed a special “hug molecule” that keeps Covid from being able to do anything by tangling up its grabby parts.”

      1. Thanks SClarke. I may have to read that several more times. Tough day here but improving. I suspect my focus is shot till tomorrow

  5. Rising deaths now. https://twitter.com/VincentRK/status/1571848112901079043

    On a different topic, but certainly related to public health, I don’t know if any of you have noticed how dangerous driving has become recently. The numbers of reckless drivers are beyond belief. I experience them almost every time I drive. For example, weaving around cars at very high speeds and very close to cars, passing on the right, cutting people off. The police do absolutely nothing about this in the U.S. There are few if any cameras on highways. But what’s even more discouraging is that I also don’t see much of a police presence. In any case, it doesn’t surprise me that traffic fatalities are increasing dramatically across the nation. YET, we hear practically nothing about this from Washington DC, almost nothing at the state level. There is in fact no push to get reckless drivers off the road permanently. The kinds of violations I’ve seen drivers commit would be considered suspension-worthy for first time offenders, and permanent license ban/suspension for second time offenders, in England, the Netherlands, and Germany. You cannot get away with this sort of thing there. The reasoning there is the combination of speed and reckless driving implies you’re using your car as a potentially deadly weapon. But clearly you can do so here with impunity.

    Vehicle deaths is a public health issue that we ignore, just as did/do opioids, suicides, Covid-19, gun deaths. You name a public health concern, you can be sure the U.S. pretty much ignores it. But, the almighty dollar and the ability to advertise drugs and medical services directly to the consumer (can’t do anywhere outside the U.S. except New Zealand) means that every time I listen to sports radio I hear plenty of ads for erectile dysfunction, low testosterone, and other healthcare issues that have nothing to do with public health. We really do have our priorities wrong when it comes to healthcare.

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