4 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – October 8 2022”

  1. There’s emerging real-world evidence that the bivalent booster offers better protection than previous boosters.

    Update on my son. He is gin the wrong hospital. They don’t know what his condition (BDD) is. He’s surrounded by substance abuse folks (>90% of the patients). Unfortunately, due in part to insurance he cannot be moved to another hospital where they do know his condition. The other issue is the shortage of beds at all hospitals.

    In any case, our healthcare system isn’t as focused on the patient as it ought to be. In fact, sometimes the patient is an after-thought, or worse, a vehicle with which to make money. I’m sorry to be cynical, but we have an inadequate, primarily cash- and profit-driven system that does not center enough around the patient, unless of course: a. You have money to burn or have Cadillac insurance; b. Your condition is such that there’s a strong patient advocacy group behind it.

    There’s almost no communication between me and my son (it’s only permitted once a day and only for a brief period), and there’s very difficult communication with the hospital. Takes forever to get through, when I did, they did NOT have any medical records from MGH regarding my son. I did warn my ex-wife – who is in the Netherlands – about this before. She said to me that “of course they will have all the records and they will coordinate care.” I knew that was unlikely to happen. It’s a design flaw in the U.S. system. I spent all day yesterday establishing communication with his psychiatrist an therapist. This is hard due to HIPPA, which I do understand. I did get them to relay information to the hospital. Hopefully, they will work on a plan. In the meantime, I’m numb. I can function because I have to. Let’s hope that better days lie ahead.

    1. Omg Joshua. This is absolutely unacceptable. You may remember we went through this with my SIL. But this is far worse IMO. I detest private insurance and in the state with the very best medical care I don’t even know what to say.

      1. Vicki, I share your feelings on this. Unacceptable.
        The system is broken. It’s almost like he’s in a prison of some kind instead of getting the care he needs. I sincerely hope these issues can be fixed.

        Joshua, continued best wishes for things to turn in a positive direction.

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