Friday March 24 2023 Forecast (7:09AM)

DAYS 1-5 (MARCH 24-28)

A cold front passed through the region last night, and in comes cooler air today as high pressure builds from the Great Lakes to the Canadian border of northern New England. Our sun will be quite limited in the sky today though as first we have some lingering mid level moisture above us, and additionally some higher level moisture is sending a large shield of high cloudiness across our sky. Any clearing we do end up with this evening will be temporary, as low pressure starts to approach from the west and the clouds thicken back up and lower as we head through overnight into Saturday morning. This low’s primary center will head for the Great Lakes while a secondary low center forms just southwest of New England and rides along a frontal boundary – the same one that went through here as a cold front last night, attempted to lift back north as a warm front, but will be thwarted in its effort. As this plays out, the resultant precipitation arrives during the day Saturday and will be mainly a rain event, but may start as snow and/or sleet especially in areas outside I-495 and north of I-90, but with no more than a brief coating of frozen precipitation accumulation. The secondary low will not be that strong but may lift northeastward across the WHW forecast area enough to briefly pull that boundary north and even work a dry slot into the region. Heaviest rainfall, while limited, will occur just ahead of this dry slot and there can even be some thunder in the South Coast region, where the air is most unstable at mid levels to trigger some elevated convection. Most of the rainfall will lift out of the region during the late evening or overnight hours of Saturday as that secondary low passes through and exits, leaving us with a period of low clouds, fog, drizzle, and lighter winds in the pre-dawn hours of Sunday, but as the entire low pressure system pulls further north and east, and high pressure noses southeastward from central Canada into the Great Lakes, the increased pressure gradient between the two systems will result in a gusty, drying westerly wind for us on Sunday with improved weather – a sun/cloud mix – and while it will be cool with the breeze the air won’t be that cold. High pressure builds in for fair weather much of Monday, but we may see some cloudiness return to the sky later in the day due to some unsettled weather in the Midwest and the blow-off high cloudiness being carried eastward in the jet stream. The end of the 5-day forecast period presents a dilemma of sorts, thanks in part to inconsistent guidance presenting uncertainty about a storm threat with enough cold air around that if one were to occur we could be dealing with at least some frozen precipitation. For now just going to leave the threat in the forecast with vague wording until a clearer outcome can be discerned and details determined.

TODAY: Mostly cloudy to partly sunny. Highs 46-53. Wind NW 10-20 MPH.

TONIGHT: Partly to mostly cloudy. Lows 30-37. Wind N 5-15 MPH.

SATURDAY: Cloudy. Rain arrives by midday but may start as snow and/or sleet in central MA through interior southern NH and northeastern MA where a brief accumulation may occur. Highs 37-44. Wind NE-E 5-15 MPH

SATURDAY NIGHT: Overcast. Rain likely in the evening including the chance of a thunderstorm near the South Coast. Drizzle and fog overnight. Temperatures generally steady 37-44. Wind variable up to 10 MPH but shifting to SW 5-15 MPH along the South Coast.

SUNDAY: A cloudy dawn with lingering areas of drizzle and fog possible, then a sun/cloud mix. Highs 48-55. Wind W increasing to 10-20 MPH with higher gusts.

SUNDAY NIGHT: Clearing. Lows 32-39. Wind NW 5-15 MPH, higher gusts.

MONDAY: Mostly sunny to partly cloudy. Highs 49-56. Wind NW 5-15 MPH, higher gusts.

MONDAY NIGHT: Partly to mostly cloudy. Lows 28-35. Wind N up to 10 MPH.

TUESDAY: Mostly cloudy. Chance of snow/sleet/rain developing. Highs 35-42. Wind NE 5-15 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (MARCH 29 – APRIL 2)

Storm threat early in the period and more unsettled weather may impact the region around the first couple days of April. Temperatures below normal.

DAYS 11-15 (APRIL 3-7)

General pattern looks unsettled and on the cool side with the greatest chance for unsettled weather mid to late period.

74 thoughts on “Friday March 24 2023 Forecast (7:09AM)”

  1. Thanks TK !

    I have a question re: next week …..

    Did the op runs, in “bringing back” the system ….. did they switch though from a southern stream system to more of a northern stream system ?

    3 or 4 days ago when it first appeared, it seemed like a strong system emerging from the mid atlantic. Now, it seems like, well, almost a strengthening clipper ……….

    1. They didn’t really switch. They just keep resolving the entire complex area differently each run. But only the GFS “brought it back” at this point. But if you look at more than just the surface you can see the ingredients all in generally the same neck of the woods run to run.

      We always have to keep in mind that these models are not a picture of the atmosphere, but a simulation of it.

    1. Awesome. I was at my daughters last Saturday afternoon in Uxbridge and their chorus was wonderfully loud.

  2. Thanks, TK. Amazing sunrise this morning. Vivid reds and oranges with a sun very bright and red. After a few minutes some clouds took over and the colors were gone.

            1. I sleep well for about 6 hours and then I either get up or flounder about for an hour or so. 🙂

              1. I hear you. I never sleep through. I can sometimes go right back or if can take 2 hours.

                But I was up a lot last night. There is a little four year old in our area that was born really early four years ago. She had surgery at Children’s a couple of days ago and is now in ICU for some very serious complications. I check her parents FB page constantly for updates and like 50+ others offer prayers and comfort.

                So I got up later than normal today.

                1. Sorry to hear that Vicki , she is getting exceptionally good care there as it’s the best pediatric Hospital in the world.

                2. Sorry. I was not clear. I don’t mean in the hospital since she was born but she is there constant appointments.

      1. Absolutely beautiful! Thank you. My Motorola phone doesn’t take great pictures, unfortunately. They tend to be blurry.

  3. It suddenly occurred to me that SNE did not experience a single Alberta Clipper system passing through the entire winter, not even a “harmless” one. I always thought of these clippers as common during our winters as thunderstorms in summer. I can’t recall a tv met or TK using the term even once. Am I correct?

  4. Hi, all!
    Regarding JPDave’s old age comment a couple of days ago, I am the culprit……Will be 82 on the 10th of April.

    Weather related: my wife is about 30 miles north of Memphis this week in Atoka, Tennessee .

    She is spending the day worrying about the possibility of tornadoes this evening. Already have had heavy rain and hail.

    I told her to practice climbing into the hotel bathtub today. My late mother used to put a newspaper over her head during a thunderstorm.
    I laughed at her, but she lived to 98. Maybe she knew more about the power of newspapers than I did.

    1. Ah hah! I thought there was one blogger older than I and it is you! 🙂

      Hope all is well with you wife today and this evening!

    2. My FIL shared your birthday. My older brother will be 83 on the 11th. And my nephew will be 39.

      Happy early birthday to you ❤️

      My mom was terrified of thunderstorms which in part I think created my fascination with them

      I hope your wife stays safe.

  5. Thanks TK. Great discussion as usual. Looks pretty unsettled there the next couple weeks. I’d venture to say that most of SNE is probably done with “big” snow for this season, but probably not done entirely, especially inland…

    Not sure if anyone saw it or if conditions would’ve allowed, but the big story last night was the aurora. Most vibrant display and most severe geomagnetic storm to hit Earth in years. Completely unforecast too. It certainly woulda been visible in SNE. It was seen as far south as the Southern Plains and approaching the Gulf Coast.

    FWIW, there may be more opportunities in the next couple of years, as the Sun approaches solar maximum in 2024/2025, and with the current solar cycle so far proving to be significantly stronger than expected.

    1. Hi WxWatxher. I saw that folks in north central saw that Aurora

      I don’t know if we were cloudy but sure wish I’d seen it

    1. I like Halloran a lot. 🙂

      Lynch was very good at what he did on the air, and I’ll leave it at that. 🙂

    2. Oh wow , thanks Philip I’m not sure how that got past me as this is my news station since a kid . Seems like a great guy .

  6. For a relatively small city – yes, Boston isn’t that large, it’s just big compared to all other New England cities – Boston has had an superlative media history: Radio (from college stations to commercial), TV, and print media. We talk primarily about weather on this blog. And Boston has had (and has) a truly outstanding list of TV weather anchors. But, in other areas of news there have been (and are) so many excellent TV anchors.

    Regarding sports, for example, I can remember Don Gillis, Jimmy Myers, Roger Twibell, and others in the 70s. Then a new batch of excellent anchors came along like Bob Neumeier, Bob Lobel, and John Dennis. And so on and so forth. Similarly, we’ve been blessed to have some of the nation’s very best sports writers in the print media: From Leigh Montville to Clark Booth to Dan Shaughnessy to Will McDonough to Steve Buckley, etcetera … The announcers have been great, too. Ned Martin, Fred Cusick, Tom Heinsohn, all fantastic at their craft.

    There’s no other city like Boston in this regard. For all our complaining (well my) about sports radio, for example, it’s light years better in Boston than in other cities.

    1. The Bruins have had a couple of the best radio announcers too. Long time ago – Bob Wilson – excellent! And the current guy, Judd Sirott, is outstanding!

      Fred Cusick was my all time favorite Bruins announcer. And even though I loved his long-time sidekick, Johnny Pierson, my favorite TV team was Fred, Derek Sanderson, and Dave Shea.

      And I’ll say this about Jack Edwards – current TV guy. I love Jack’s passion for the game and his love for the Bruins, and he’s certainly gifted with words & phrases, but I’ve found it harder and harder to listen to him lately. I hate to say it, but I have to be honest. It feels like he’s announcing in slow motion, while still yelling. A goal will be scored and by the time he finally gets to his over-used phrase “And (player’s name) POTS it!” the celebration is over and they’re getting ready to drop the puck. I’d just love to hear a good old genuine “SCORE!” or “And he scores!” or something like that. By the time he gets to it, the excitement has already faded.

      1. Dave shea is a very good friend of mine , he’s been over the house several , several times .

        1. Always like Dave’s announcing.

          He has one of my favorite quotes that is on a hockey hits tape after a close-up of a hard hit against the glass right where a camera was.

          “Almost knocked your dip and chips off the dining room table didn’t they?!”

          Next time you see him give him my best.

          1. I will I talked to him while my wife was in the hospital a couple of weeks ago , he lives in this town as well 10 minutes from my house .

      2. Talking about great Boston sports announcers and no one mentions Johnny Most? Guess I’ll have to…..

        1. Most was a classic. His purposely locally biased calls were great and really fun for the fans. 🙂

          He came in to the Brigham’s I worked at in the 1980s and treated the waitstaff like absolute crap. Oops! Fun to listen to on the air though! 🙂

          1. That’s too bad but I guess not that surprising….explains why he didn’t make your list 🙂

  7. It may have been mentioned here and I may have missed it, but Bobby Orr turned 75 on Monday. NESN had a great tribute to Number 4, showing his best plays. What a player!!!

    And, commenting on something SAK said, I, too, loved the World Baseball Classic. The Ohtani-Trout match-up was an instant classic. Instead of the 4 wins-out-of-7 format in the MLB, it was one-and-done in the knockout round, much like the World Cup. It was much more dramatic. The atmosphere of the crowds, especially those rooting for the Asian and Latino countries, was incredible! The Puerto Rico-Domincan Republic game was so dramatic and intense!

        1. Big homes also. As I remember the area is much like humarock and fire can spread house to house without a lot of trouble

      1. Big houses on that beach , I had a customer I did work for in that area for a few years .

  8. I’m on doggy duty for a bit so today’s update will be a little closer to 9. I’ll send a note here when it’s ready!

  9. At this time, 23 people killed in last night’s tornadoes.

    Eric F has a tweet of a picture of a tornado from last night. It’s at night and with slight illumination, it’s a large tornado.

  10. Just an awful situation down there. Unfortunately the ingredients came together for that to happen.

  11. Also, it seems there was not any weather related turbulence on that private plane where a woman tragically lost her life. Something about the trim of the plane that caused it to suddenly lurch up and down. I guess they experienced multiply forces of gravity for a few seconds, both up and down.

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