Wednesday June 5 2024 Forecast (7:33AM)

DAYS 1-5 (JUNE 5-9)

You won’t find a whole lot different in today’s discussion compared to yesterday’s, but one obvious change comes in the immediate term (as in while I write this just after 7:00 a.m.) especially from southern NH to eastern MA, as a cluster of showers, even a few downpours, have migrated down from northern New England and continue to feed on the boundary between marine air over eastern portions of our region and advancing warmer, more humid air from the southwest. These should fade as they drift southeastward, but will be around for a little while into mid morning. After this, the balance of the day is expected to be rain-free, with a sun/cloud mix, and overall warmer than yesterday with a southwesterly air flow overtaking the region. This, of course, is a direct ocean wind for the South Coast, where it will be coolest today. There is another disturbance that is going to drift down from Northern New England later in the afternoon that can create a few more showers and thunderstorms mainly in southern and age and northeastern MA, so be on the lookout for those wandering through the region. If they do occur, they may be on the heavier side. On the large scale, we will continue to see a broad upper level low pressure area enter the Great Lakes and spin around there for several days, sending waves of moisture our way. The most prominent one leads the pack and will provide us widespread showers for Thursday – easily the wettest day of this week for the region. Beyond that, Friday and the weekend feature daily chances for showers, even some heavier thunderstorms, but the vast majority of the time will feature rain-free weather for any given location. Temperatures will trend to near to below normal after today’s warmth.

TODAY: Variably cloudy morning with showers, a few heavy, from southern NH into central and eastern MA, perhaps into northern RI, diminishing while heading southeastward into mid morning. Partly to mostly sunny afternoon. One more shot at a shower or thunderstorm Southern NH to northeastern MA late in the day. Highs ranging from 65-70 South Coast / Cape Cod to 83-88 interior valleys. Wind S to SW 5-15 MPH.

TONIGHT: Clouding up. Overnight showers possible. Lows 56-63. Wind S to SE up to 10 MPH.

THURSDAY: Mainly cloudy. Episodic and fairly widespread showers likely. Highs 63-70, coolest coast. Wind SE 5-15 MPH.

THURSDAY NIGHT: Cloudy. Showers likely. Chance of a thunderstorm. Patchy fog. Lows 55-62. Wind SE up to 10 MPH shifting to W overnight.

FRIDAY: Variably cloudy. Chance of showers, possibly thunderstorms. Highs 65-75. Wind SW to variable 5-15 MPH.

FRIDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Chance of a shower. Lows 55-62. Wind variable up to 10 MPH.

SATURDAY: Partly sunny. Chance of a shower. Highs 67-74. Wind variable up to 10 MPH.

SATURDAY NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Chance of a shower. Lows 54-61. Wind variable up to 10 MPH.

SUNDAY: Variably cloudy. Chance of a few showers. Highs 66-73. Wind variable up to 10 MPH.

DAYS 6-10 (JUNE 10-14)

Upper level low pressure weakens and drifts eastward across the region early in the period with additional isolated showers possible, before another upper low moves in via the Great Lakes later in the period and continues the unsettled pattern and also keeps us from seeing any overly warm to hot weather.

DAYS 11-15 (JUNE 15-19)

Tendency for weak trough Great Lakes to Northeast but more of a zonal pattern. Still opportunities for showers, but long spells of rain-free weather. Starting on the cooler side of normal but may heat up later in the period.

49 thoughts on “Wednesday June 5 2024 Forecast (7:33AM)”

  1. Thanks TK !

    Looking on the western horizon, I can see some cumulus. They have that pink/orange color with the early morning, low sun angle hitting them.

  2. Good morning and thank you TK

    Made 73 yesterday with 59 overnight.
    Currently at 64

    Ocean temo: 60 3 (Boston buoy)

    Pretty juicy shower with thunder around Sherborb/Medfield.

  3. I guess I am a creature of habit.

    On our local NWS page, under current conditions …… observations has always been at the top of the list for as long as I can remember …… until a day or 2 ago, where now its further down the list. Except, I keep hitting whatever is now at the top of that list.

    Oh well πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    1. As we get older, we RESIST change more and more. I guess it is a fact of life. πŸ™‚

      1. I’m guilty of that for sure πŸ™‚

        In this case, I just keep forgetting its not first anymore, lol !

      2. Muscle memory. I have a new chair that reclines using a remote. I had one years ago that has the button on the left side. Even years later, I reach down on the left to push the button

  4. Still only 69 here. I am OK IF it doesn’t make the 80s today, although it likely still will later.

  5. Its 57F atop Mt Washington.

    If the cloud debris from the morning showers breaks up at all, the temps will rise dramatically with any kind of sunshine.

  6. The anchor on WBZ actually said something that made sense.

    “It cools back down Thursday with the clouds and wet weather, but we need to keep in mind, it’s still spring.”

    Yay! Great job!! *** Gold Star for forehead ***

    1. 74

      Interesting how our temps parallel each other. Till they don’t.

      My words of absolute non wisdom for the day.

    1. Most areas did not warm to expectation. Been seeing a lot more underperforming temps rather than the overperforming we’d been seeing.

  7. I am reading there may be a dry slot coming through in afternoon tomorrow after the initial shield of moisture…this is an important development with our graduation outside at 5pm. Any thoughts from the experts on this possibility for us along the South Coast.

      1. If I’m interpreting them correctly, some other short range models (NAM and 3km NAM) as well as the global model GFS seem to also simulate that break between morning and evening showers.

  8. Good gracious, that is so sad what happened in Boston this morning with the car going over the guard rail and landing in a fiery crash on the road below.

    1. Channel 4 showed a video clip of this and stopped it, mercifully, right before impact on the barrier. So strange and tragic.

  9. Whatever the weather, Jimmy B, congratulations to your graduate, to you and your family on the special day!

  10. Short range guidance is starting to look rather lame for rainfall tomorrow.

    And short / medium range guidance is looking “less wet” heading into the weekend.

    Nice cluster of t-storms from a disturbance drifting out of NNE made it into southern NH and skirted far northeastern MA too. Small hail covered the ground at Dover NH.

    1. I was just watching some program interrupted coverage on TWC

      A little more action than expected which has me slightly wondering if something unexpected might happen in the northeast tomorrow (warm front/cold front passage combo)

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