Tuesday Forecast Update


Quick forecast update – full discussion later.

TODAY: Sun / cloud mix. Scattered afternoon showers. Highs in the 60s. Wind NW 10-20 MPH.

TONIGHT: Clearing. Lows in the 40s, some 30s inland valleys. Wind light variable.

WEDNESDAY: Sunshine dominating but may become filtered at times by high cloudiness. Highs 50s coast, 60s inland. Wind SE 5-15 MPH.

THURSDAY: Variably cloudy. Low 50. High 64, cooler coast.

FRIDAY: Cloudy. Chance of showers/drizzle. Low 50. High 60, cooler coast.

SATURDAY: Variably cloudy. Chance of showers/thunderstorms late. Low 55. High 75.

SUNDAY: Partly cloudy. Low 55. High 75.

MONDAY: Partly sunny. Low 58. High 78.

94 thoughts on “Tuesday Forecast Update”

  1. I’m not presenting an opinion on the matter ….. but just saw that CNN’s current top story on their site is about climate change. I guess the White House just released its report on the topic.

      1. So what? Even IF there isn’t climate change, any
        measures to be taken CANNOT hurt our planet.

        And yes I know there are and always have been climate
        cycles with periods of warming and cooling. This is a FACT.

        However, no one can tell me that all of the CRAP we have
        been spewing into the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution has had a NET ZERO EFFECT on the planet. Simply
        Not possible. It HAS to have had an effect. We just don’t know
        the full extent of that effect. Perhaps it is far less that the climate change proponents think. It doesn’t matter. Let’s do
        something about it, even IF it is a “Just in case” scenario.

        It doesn’t do any good to bury our heads in the sand and wish it away. What IF it has had a far greater effect than anyone
        has calculated? Then what?

        Therefore, IMHO, ANY and ALL measures to be taken should
        be taken and the sooner the better.

        This should NOT be a political issue, conservative vs liberal. It is common sense and should be a bi-partisan issue.

          1. Unfortunately, measures to be taken involve $$$$, and whenever $$$$ is involved, all common sense goes out the window

  2. No doubt we have climate change, I guess the question people need to ask is it us or natural occurrence.

    1. Agree Hadi – I think it is getting folks to understand that it is not just natural that may be the difficult part.

  3. The problem is it is all political on both sides. The people crying climate change (human produced) are making a lot of money off of it. So it creates doubters. To be fair I admit I am a skeptic but let’s say it is humans creating it, unless China and India join in it doesn’t matter. We can throw all of our money at it and it won’t change much. I am not saying we don’t create some of it, but I believe most is natural. The one thing that truly ticks me off is when I hear people say the discussion is over there is human caused climate change. I didn’t realize they were the judge and jury.

    1. I do Agree, it is political on both sides. Not much question about that.
      Probably Extreme at each end.

      And you are correct. IF China and India don’t get on board with changes,
      whatever we do (If we do), won’t help enough.

      It clearly is a Global issue.

      1. India and China will not change, they have said that in different ways, I’m not willing to pay a bunch of money if results take everyone on board

        1. Indeed. If their own current smog and air quality issues don’t raise any eyebrows with their own people and government, than they will never change.

    2. I don’t agree. Yes, if others do not stop polluting, there will still be pollution. However, that is absolutely no reason for us to continue. It is simply an excuse IMHO on our part.

      1. If I have learned nothing else in my six or so weeks shy of 65, it is that Americans are lazy, they have incredibly short memories and it will take an act of congress (literally) to get them to do what they should do without hesitation. Yep – we should not need regulation; however, we have shown repeatedly that without it we will, undo no circumstances, regulate ourselves.

        Oh, I knew I was working up to my own rant ……….hopefully, that is the end 🙂

  4. What are your thoughts on this?

    Has the growing power of local town and cities conservation committee’s over the last decade assist in the increase of mosquito born illnesses that we deal with every summer?

    1. We have had EEI since well before I was born. Maybe the question should be: have restrictions due to lobbyists and pharmaceuticals stopped us from manufacturing a shot for EEI? We have had one for horses for decades that is very effective? IMHO there is a very fine line between destroying one thing to protect another. I think we are figuring it out and are developing spraying treatments and sprays accordingly. We all depend on every single living organism and compared to most, man has been here not more than a fraction of a second. We have a history of killing what we want when we want.

      1. Also higher temps (which we have been experiencing overall for a decade) contribute to mosquito born diseases.

        1. Global warming and cooling has occurred every 27 years since 1470 AD. This is well before the CO2 has increased.

          1. I was very careful not to mention CO2 and did so intentionally – it has no bearing on this.

        1. What can we (the U.S.) do to prevent? We sprayed heavily with all sorts of pesticides in the 60s and earlier and EEI still existed. Part of the reason for the increase is in other countries where prevention does not exist. And it does not matter if there has been warming forever, it is still a huge contributing factor to the lifespan of the mosquito. As I said, there is a fine line between killing other organisms along with the mosquito and managing the mosquito. Originally, we just killed everything which may well contribute to other problems. Either way, I do not believe the mosquito can be totally wiped out so a vaccine would be the next best option.

            1. I know Framingham and surrounding communities have been taking those steps for years. It hasn’t eliminated anything but may well have cut down the number of people affected. Don’t they treat in your area?

              1. You can call the Plymouth County Mosquito Control and have your ward sprayed at no cost but not everyone does this.

        2. There is a profit to be made from the pharma companies in vaccinations. My fiance works for a company in boston that does vaccination research and EEE and West Nile are among the many mosquito born illnesses being researched. So theres already money being funneled into this. Not saying its right, but like i said before, when money is involved, peoples priorities always change

          1. Interesting – and yes, money gets things done or doesn’t. Makes absolutely no sense to me that we have a vaccine for EEE for horses and not for people. Except of course that comparatively there are few cases.

  5. I can already hear the millions of people south of the Mason-Dixon Line or roughly there abouts saying I’m not paying for that, over my dead body, it’s in there culture to not be told what to do especially the government, some states will start putting bills up against it or find ways around it. Anyways beautiful day

    1. How true. Started spitting off and on around 1:15PM or so.
      Temperature dropped off a bit as well.

  6. Hi all!

    Like to see the discussion above and the civility accompanying it. 🙂

    So, I found the sure-fire way to make rain: Take it out of the forecast. As soon as I removed it, more showers are popping today than yesterday. Very cold parcel of air going through aloft, and this will take a couple more hours to occur before things settle down later.

    Full discussion and forecast this evening. 🙂

    1. Right in the middle of my golf game of course. Hey, at least its not like last week, about 20 degrees warmer tonight 🙂

    2. But of course it is polite. We are polite kids :). And re the forecast, it is kind of like carrying an umbrella 🙂

  7. Briefly checking in on my favorite website:

    1. This is my kind of spring, thus far. Not too hot, not too rainy. Unusually stuck in the 60s (as I sometimes am, musically speaking). My only minor complaint has been the wind. Especially here in Boston. It’s been very windy at times. Sometimes uncomfortably so.

    2. The summit of Mt. Washington had a relatively uneventful April, but May’s come in with some fairly significant snowfall – 14 inches thus far. Current weather: 24F (windchill 5F); blowing snow. You can check the most recent pictures on the Mt. Washington Observatory website: http://mountwashington.org/ Whatever snow falls this month will of course melt by the time I do my volunteer work among the meteorologists and others in late July/early August.

    1. Agree about the wind Joshua. I forget what day it was a couple weeks ago, but it was one of the first really true mild days temp wise this spring. But unfortunately, it was accompanied by some really strong winds, making it uncomfortable to be outside

    1. Yes, I fear the worst and hope for the best. B’s have been schizophrenic this series. Great at times, mental lapses and even some lethargy other times. Bell Centre is a really hard venue for opposing teams. Bruins did it in 2011. But, this Montreal team is better than the 2011 edition.

        1. Agreed. Bruins need to bring it to Montreal for 60 minutes. They will win if they do this. But, thus far, they’ve had some mediocre starts to games.

    2. As my wife said last Night:

      Bruins need their A Game so
      the Bs can BEAT the Cs!!

      You know, the ABCs of WINNING!!!

      She is so clever!!!

  8. Had a customer in Douglas today and the trees out there r still bare, he was stating that how depressing is it that in 4 months the trees will be bare, again!! Lol 🙂

    1. Are his trees diseased? That would be Labor Day. Uxbridge which borders Douglas is blooming beautifully …..I was there last weekend…..and they lose leaves about the same time framingham does……lately that has been into November.

      1. If I told you the sky was blue, you’d say it’s purple lol, I saw a lot of bare trees

        1. Charlie I asked a legitimate question. No need to be rude. I figured you were there to treat the trees….I thought that’s what you do?

  9. B’s are the best team in the east bar non if they play their game. The Hawks are a scary team and I think we will have a rematch of last years cup finals.

    1. I’ve been trying to bring that up in my discussions for years but it just gets ignored. 🙂

      1. I know you have. To me that says it all! Those gladiators must have been driving around in ferraris and flying around in Concorde jets 🙂

    2. I definitely understand that. The problem is too many use that to ignore that we are without a doubt polluting this planet to the point that it is quite serious

      1. And here I also agree with you.

        Even if what we do was not having a major impact on climate (and of course the jury remains out here with just not enough info), it more directly impacts ecosystems. Those impacts are more easily spotted on a day to day basis.

        1. I suppose I should add that I like the inclusion of that older data shows that something was going on to cause warming and that we should acknowledge the various possible causes, while not ignoring our responsibility.

            1. Can’t disagree there either. Just don’t like it when you hear baseless facts from the media.

    3. Joe Joyce is a right wing guy so of course his tweets will favor his opinion 🙂

  10. Regarding bruins. As nice as leaving Montreal with two wins would be the goal is to at least get the split. I don’t see anyone of them rolling over and say take it. This series goes seven in my opinion. Montreal is throwing everything and going full force against boston as this to them is there series beating Boston and than hope for the best. This team wants Boston badly. If the bruins loose this series Montreal will not have much left in the tank.

  11. It amazes me that Alaska is still experiencing well above normal temps and shows no sign of letting up anytime soon. I believe they have been above normal since the beginning of the year for the most part while the northern tier of the CONUS have had no real consistent warmth as of yet.

  12. Beautiful evening, enjoying dinner at a restaurant the blackington on patio 🙂

  13. As I said they need to find a way to stop suban who has a goal and an assist in both goals. Man right out of the box.

    1. It is really unreal that the B’s can never get off to a head start in these games.

  14. Two goal leads could easily be erased as we saw in the first round of these playoffs.

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