69 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – April 17 2020”

  1. Notable facts this morning.

    China has revised its death total up by around 1,250 (all in the Wuhan area). Perhaps more revised totals are forthcoming. Still believe it’s a vast underestimate. Worrisome trend in China with respect to new cases. 350 in the last 24 hours. Doesn’t sound like much, but beware of the trend as the country reopens.

    Germany’s R0 is now at 0.7. The country can reopen gradually. New cases are decreasing rapidly.

    U.S. has regions – almost all are west of the Mississippi – where the R0 is below 1. That’s a good sign.

    1. Re china – they will only publicly revise the number so much and only if they can think of caveats (“We were busy dealing with the virus, tolls were not top priority!”) The primary difference between their culture and western world culture, however is: 1) they are the primary manufacturer of masks and PPE’s and 2) It is has been part of their society to wear masks when feeling unwell for decades. So while I don’t even believe the revised numbers it would not be out of the question for the numbers to be lower as it would go hand in hand with the two points mentioned above. Additionally in a dictatorship type of government it is easier to impose your will on the people whereas in western areas where masks are heavily recommended to wear and most places I’ve gone to the most I’ve seen is about 50% of the people wearing masks… I can see why they’d be more “effective” at containment. (Even people at my work who don’t wear masks say things like “I can’t breathe good enough with mine.” Or “everyone else is wearing one in my area so I’m protected.” And other ridiculous statements.)

  2. I hope we learn from this. By numbers they may have also met our reopen guidelines. Surely they were thought to be a success story. I’m afraid some folks see the words reopen and Don’t look past what will happen if a second wave develops because of it. I like Arods 72/72/72 plan but On a larger scale and applied to the days to wait recommended after an area meets very specific guidelines.


  3. HREF coming out now. Showing 1 inch per hour snow falls downstream/upstream? from us.
    (Is downstream correct or is it upstream? If I compare the 500 mb flow to a river,
    then something to the west of us should be Upstream as it is flowing Eastward, shouldn’t it?)

    1. Go home you have a compressed immune system right . Please be careful wear gloves do not press the elevator buttons or touch doorknobs without gloves on

  4. This is frightening to say the least!!!!


    Is this due to faulty testing? Or is this how the World is going to end?

    I mean this is NUTS! How the hell do we deal with this??????

    I hope it is a bad batch of tests.

    1. I wouldn’t give it much mind right now until further data comes out. There have been stories of people testing positive again after testing negative but things like faulty tests, lapses at testing facilities, not enough recovery time, etc etc – it’s not a large enough dataset unless multiple studies are done and multiple countries report the same findings.

      To answer your final question: we would deal with it the same way even if reinfection soon after recovery were a possibility – we keep on with what we are doing. Even if someone gets and recovers from the virus and there is no chance for them to be reinfected they could still go out in public and get the virus on their clothes, hands, etc – so social distancing, staying home, etc. is something people need to do even if they have had coronavirus.

      Then, of course, once a vaccine gets approved and then manufactured we will have a firmer grip on this.

    1. Thank God my kids are a bit older! You will be happy to know that my 14 year old son’s gym class is conducted at the pond across the street where he practices his fishing skills. 🙂

    2. Lol. Way funny. When kids were young, I worked from home as I think all know but I didn’t have anyone come in to help with kids for a few years. We couldn’t afford it at the start. It is amazing how well you can tune things out.

  5. Arod- if covid testing first time comes back negative and say they have second test and it comes back negative but clearly sick what does that mean . Because the person is being told second test will say if you have flu or other things but if negative is that weird . Again person is sick aches , fever , cold symptoms etc

    1. Remember the flu and other illnesses are a possibility. You have to monitor symptoms and treat like you have covid but if symptoms are bad and you’ve had two negative tests only your PCP will be able to tell you what to do at that point (and figure out what it is you may have be it the regular flu, bronchitis, strep, pneumonia and a litany of other ailments that could sideline you.)

      1. Second test will also test for flue etc . If that comes back negative is the question. No pneumonia

        1. I have had false negative flu tests. We all did with the exception of one person who had what we all had.

          1. Although we do darn near the same for flu, etc as we do for covid. My girls were chuckling the other day at how keeping away from others when ill is a new concept for far too many.

  6. Wanted to put this out there as an idea I had. Wonder if it sounds crazy.

    From all the papers and studies I’ve read the curve should “flatten” to an extent during the summer. These are what predictive models show. I’ve seen some studies talk about a second curve. This would only make sense if covid-19 doesn’t mysteriously die off completely (the absolute least likely outcome.) The second curve would coincide with flu season which generally starts sometime around November but ramps up towards the end of December and January. What this would likely mean is during the summer months and early fall there would be a relaxation of some rules (stay at home orders, gathering amounts). During the cold winter months those rules would need to be reinforced if we see a second curve happening.

    As a forward thinker I was looking towards the holiday season already. A second curve could potentially happen around the times families gather the most. Thanksgiving and Christmas. So what’s my idea, you ask? Remember that phrase “Christmas in July”? If rules are relaxed during the summer months one could organize a more responsible Christmas in July gathering. Less infected people during this time, outdoor and socially distancing is more readily a thing. I propose gathering together (responsibly) and participating in festivities during that month. If the only major downside is that there isn’t a second curve and we are able to have a more normal christmas – I could think of worse things. lol.

    Just wanted to put this out in the world to see what people think. (Oh and canadian thanksgiving is October 12th which is generally before flu season as well.)

    1. As I was reading christmas was going through my mind and I love your idea. Last christmas because of flu and some odd illness everyone …..in my family and across the country ….had we were not together for the first time ever. It was truly difficult.

      And speaking of that odd illness….can’t help but wonder if it was covid. I am hearing the thought is it was here befoee we knew it. May be far fetched.

      1. Likely far fetched. Based on how contagious it is and how easy it is for it to multiply – we would have had a surge much earlier on from everything I’ve read.

        I hope some people give thought to Christmas in July. This way for a socially distant christmas you can do video chatting and talk about the july gathering and the past gifts given!

        1. This is why if I were in charge, I would continue stay at home orders throughout the summer so that we all can go back to normal and enjoy the holidays (Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year’s) the way they should be celebrated…in groups w/o social distancing etc.

          Since this country and much of the rest of the world are so itching to restart early, the price will be “virtual” Thanksgiving dinners, Black Friday shopping sprees, and Christmas tree lighting ceremonies. 🙁

  7. If you didn’t see the Disney family sing along last night, it is worth finding. It is for the young and young at heart. Sorry I didn’t mention here yesterday

  8. FYI: I’ll be laying very low for a few days and pretty much contacting nobody at all. My place is testing every single person either Sunday or Monday.

      1. Yes I will basically be doing that. The errand that I would have done for my mom will now be done by my brother.

  9. Watching baker all I can think is THIS is how you develop a plan. He is naming goals and action plan (projects) to meet them. And he has been all along. I am so thankful that we live in this state. And this area of the country where neighboring states have the same mindset.

    1. Second day in a row where it’s been Over 2,000 for the 24 hour period is that correct . After listening to the Governor he said there is a lot of back & fourth going on with the school decision. I for one think it will be totally irresponsible for staff & students to go back for say what 4-5 weeks . He needs to step up & say it’s to risky for 4-5 weeks .

      1. I wonder if schools do open back up if it would be mandatory. I bet a lot of parents won’t want to take that risk for such a short time . Even though it’s up to the each state mass won’t even be in phase one on May 4th I believe it’s phase 2 schools can reopen . Boston & mass is in the thick of it now lasting ( the peak ) a bit longer .

          1. But that’s true what I said is it about schools open not till phase two & that won’t come in time I think right .

  10. Dr. S: Regarding your idea. I understand what you are getting at. Based on what I have heard from medical experts (Dr. F & several I work around) we’d probably be better off keeping the restrictions as they are through the spring, and gradually poking our heads out of the hole during the summer to see how things are, with careful monitoring. A second wave is likely to come earlier, not later, but that may also relate to how quickly we come down the slope of the first curve. It may be better to hold the restrictions longer and then we’ll have a shot at a Thanksgiving / Christmas season that is a little closer to normal, maybe with some limitations still lingering.

    We may still have to practice some limits in what we do well into 2021, but not likely nearly to the level we are at now. Dr. Fauci thought we may have a shot at being close to normal by November, but I know he’s being as optimistic as possible, within the realm of realism. I’m not really interested in what any politicians have to say on health matters, only what they do to help us through, assuming their decisions are based on SOUND medical advice. As soon as I detect political agenda, on either side, I disregard whatever is said. I’ve always been that way, even before this. It’s why I don’t belong to a political party. I openly dislike both sides equally. 😉 This is about health & safety for myself and those I am close to, and of course I care about everybody else as well. 🙂

    1. Good comment. I am hoping we can have some form of a family thing this summer but with son exposed daily am sure that isn’t possible. But we also all understand that our health is the most important issue.

      Macs brother and family had an interesting Easter solution. One daughter is home from DC…she interns on the hill…and quarantined. Other daughter is speech pathologist for hospital where worst in San Francisco area began. So that daughter and husband set a table up outside of the kitchen bay window and others ate inside.

      1. Like you I don’t see party. But I do have a good amount of respect for many politicians on both sides of the aisle. Others on both sides ….not so much

        1. Pretty much the same here. 🙂 If a decent person is serving, I don’t care what party they belong to. I judge by character and willingness to serve those who voted for them and those who did not vote for them equally.

  11. This could rival the deadliest day of the COVID era for the US. Already 2,200 deaths with numerous states yet to report. Bad day in NY with over 1,000 fatalities and another 159 MA residents also losing the battle.

    1. No that can’t be true. Pres and company said we are seeing lower numbers.

      Who to believe….who yo believe…..who, I said

    1. Excellent. Thank you. There was tons of effort put into this …the kind you’d hope to see from all leaders. The comments re FDA and CDC approval are worrisome. Apparently, when pressed the president resorted to inciting folks in states with dem governors to revolt.

  12. Hey coastal….you asked for comments yesterday I’m what individuals would do and then said you’d listen.So…….hello!

  13. I’m pretty numb today. Very grim data. The very long and painful plateau is upon us. I cannot understand experts who said a few days ago the plateau would be short. One person said, “we’re not like Italy.” Others have relied upon perhaps the worst model in the world. Yes, worse than GFS on a very bad day. The UW model is not an epidemiological model. It’s a farce. Garbage in, garbage out. Yet, our public health officials cling to it, even though they know that the model’s assumptions certainly don’t apply in the U.S. I’m referring mostly to the behavioral assumptions.

    Trump’s measured plan, albeit without much detail, was torn to shreds today by his petulance and trafficking in the worst kind of anti-science, anti-government militancy. I certainly want to give people benefit of the doubt. But, I’ve now done that too many times with respect to our president. Trump’s incitement is pathological. In some ways, however, I’m equally upset with our gutless public health officials. They’re at those press conferences. They have nothing to lose by stepping up to the microphone and speaking their mind, instead of bowing to Trump as if he’s a dictator. Sure, they would probably lose their jobs. Well, many of us have already. They’d be viewed with the utmost respect if one of them said:

    “Mr. President, with all due respect, we’re losing 2,500 people every day. And yet you tweet not about the suffering, but about liberating people from rules imposed to ease the public health burden. By doing so, you’re endangering Americans.”

    1. I have said the same thing but it was pointed out to me by a wise friend that egg on my (our) face means we can look in the mirror at night. I will continue to give credit where credit is due. You, Joshua, are a good and decent man…..there is never anything to be ashamed of if you try to look at the best

      As far as health officials. I am not sure about Birx yet but know Fauci is simply doing what needs to be done irregardless. I suspect a number of folks are. And we need them there more than we need Trump firing them

    2. Trump is the worse sitting president ever !!! I can’t wait till this clown gets booted out he’s ruined America!!!!

      1. I’m not sure why you waste your time. God forbid he admits that you have cited excellent points. He can’t bring himself to do that. Instead, he wishes to reside in a world of fantasy and be adversarial. It’s plain sad because, unfortunately, there are too many others in our country who behave similarly as more than 2,000 US citizens continue to die everyday.

        1. Thanks Arod….I like to try and give benefit of the doubt as mentioned earlier. I am hoping the posts are not to cause trouble and deliberately try and derail TKs blog. Having this place to share and have folks with your expertise is so needed right now. I can’t believe any decent person would want to disrupt it.

    1. Can you point me to the steps trump has outlined for a national testing strategy please. I have not been able to find it. We know CDC and FDA need to approve so that part has to come federal government

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