62 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – April 21 2020”

    1. I think we will waver around this top area for a bit then decline. Must remain smart and keep things going as they are.

      1. AFAIC keep it going into at least the first half of summer. Maybe we as a state can prevent that second wave and have a back to normal fall/winter.

        Also Mayor Walsh is seriously considering not reopening BPS for the rest of this academic year.

  1. As is the case with NWS warning re tornadoes, JPD, you are ahead of the game for the graph.

    TK perfect comment and absolutely correct!!

  2. Waiting for Governor.

    Apparently some school unions are asking for schools to close for year. I didn’t realize 34 aLready have done this.

  3. 47 and overcast with winds in mid to high teens.

    We are having weather school here. Grands now know to subtract 2 if sun is directly on the unit, 1 if sun later in day. 0 if cloudy.

    1. These “rogue” states shouldn’t even remotely consider opening again! Protesters should GO HOME and STAY THERE!!!

      1. Which order?

        A while ago, I decided I can’t question this Governor. He has done what sure seems to me needs to be done to keep all in MA safe as it needs to be done.

          1. I thought so but wasn’t sure. And it just seems to stay in line with how he has worked through this.

  4. I wonder if teachers, students, staff in all schools, colleges and universities, in order to go back to schools and campuses next August, will have to provide documentation of having received the Covid-19 immunization.

      1. That is assuming there even is a successful immunization by then. It could very well be a few years down the road still..who knows.

  5. This is the third quarter and we can’t let the virus win….we have to play all four quarters.

    Perfectly stated, Governor….

    1. FWIW…..the high level answer I gave to Coastal the other day is exactly what Baker is doing. SSK I suspect that is why he is taking one step at a time. It is how the best strategic plans work.

  6. Good news from MGH. It will be able to handle the surge of patients. Difficult, and it required incredible planning. But, it’s reported that it is handling patient inflow and will continue to do so.

    Good news from New York. Still many deaths. And not all numbers are in for the day. But, new cases are declining consistently.

    But, hotspots continue to crop up in odd places like Goldsboro, North Carolina, which has seen explosive growth in cases recently, as has the Camden, New Jersey area. Other areas like Nebraska, the Dakotas, Ohio, Rhode Island, parts of Georgia (that is now opening up!) need to be monitored.

    Europe is in decline mode, which is good. But, pay attention to how long their plateau has been and will continue to be. This is why the University of Washington models are off. It presumed that the Chinese data were: a. Accurate; b. Would translate in other countries. Neither a or b are valid. We’re in for a long and painful descent. All you need to do is look at France, Italy, and Spain to find ample evidence for this.

  7. Question for WHW people. I have a memorial service planned for my mother in August. Most attendees are older (65 plus; many 80 plus). Should I postpone? I have a feeling the governor will reopen the state in stages and not want gatherings of more than 10 seniors, at least not in public places, in the summer.

    1. When do you need to cancel by? Can it hurt to wait until then? Or are too many traveling and need to know now. My knee jerk reaction is cancel.

      1. I would say not to postpone just yet. See what orders the Governor imposes month by month. At some point, he may very well decide for you.

  8. Arod…..question if you have a moment. No worries if you don’t.

    I have heard Colchicine tossed around as a possible drug to explore for CV19. I have been having some gout flares so as you know it was one of first drugs I took. Did a job on my gastro system so stopped. But my question is, I know it isn’t a typical antiinflammatory and I believe has more to do with allowing white blood cells but is it in the family? Views now seem to vary on the use of anti inflammatory drugs with CV19, but I wondered how Colchicine fits in to that family.

  9. All K-12 schools, colleges and universities (public/private) will have a lot of decisions to make in the coming months, either in unison or individually.

    Certainly summer programs are most likely out of the question, regardless.

  10. Joshua I would not cancel yet . The Governor will decide on what to do when the current emergency order is up on May 4th I would at least wait till that announcement. August is a ways off and with such an important event that far off I would wait .

  11. Thank you Philip, John, and Vicki for your responses. I’ll wait until the first week of May and then decide.

    I did inform everyone about a month ago that we intend to have the service, but that a formal invitation would be sent out only once we knew we could have the event. So, the people who need to know have been informed.

    1. Wow I wonder if it’s going to continue to go down. Two hospitals now saying they have it under control .

        1. The Governor said today even though it’s bad they did not think mass was going to get the worst of it as once thought . That’s not what the families of all these poor families who lost a loved one want to hear . I’m kind of surprised with these last few numbers to be honest with you .

    2. Cases seem to have peaked but deaths are still mounting. Let’s see what tomorrow brings. I am hopeful things will only get better from here albeit not fast enough.

          1. Do you see the same or a relaxed version . If the numbers keep dropping and things look a lot different May 4th he may be forced to a less aggressive way . Tough call to make for sure

  12. Data in Massachusetts is okay, but not pointing in a clear direction at all. There would need to be consistent steady decline (real decreases) in new cases for 2 weeks before going to Phase 1 of reopening. Let’s hope we’re plateauing in terms of new cases (deaths is a different story as it’s a lagging indicator) and we begin to descend soon like NY has already been doing.

    The fact that the hospitals have been able to manage is a credit to the hospital staff and the medical personnel. They’re heroes. Also, social distancing has helped flatten the curve. Nevertheless, Massachusetts is still a state that has been impacted enormously. Don’t forget we’re small, with less than 7 million residents. Being 3rd in terms of number of cases and 4th in terms of deaths is really staggering, in my view.

    Overall the numbers today are terrible, not at all indicative of a country that can reopen soon. But, there are some exceptions. I’m now including Maine in the group of states that has crushed the curve and can gradually reopen soon with certain social distancing measures (bans on large gatherings) and travel restrictions in place. My group includes Vermont, Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, and Hawaii. I completely understand that travel restrictions will be hard to implement. We don’t have state border controls. Yet, the states mentioned have demonstrated an ability to crush the curve early. This suggests people there have been compliant. It also suggests there was less contagion to begin with in those states (all of which are not densely populated).

    Cuomo’s message on regional reopening in New York makes sense. There are parts of rural New York that have been minimally affected.

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