27 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – May 12 2020”

  1. Dr with regard to your comment re baseball players….excellent point. I am ashamed to say I didn’t think of that.

    1. It’s ok – most don’t because it’s a tactic the billionaire owners take with negotiations on everything. Make it seem like the players are being out of touch millionaires if they hold out or want to bargain when the owners aren’t taking any sort of paycut for the lucrative tv, advertising, merchandising, etc. deals. – meanwhile the players are being asked to take cuts while pitting their health at risk. The tactic is to get out in front of the media first before the players in a PR stance to try to force the players to not look like the bad guys. I have seen some articles today pointing it out at least: https://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonywitrado/2020/05/11/baseball-owners-are-using-a-familiar-playbook-to-blame-players-if-this-season-is-cancelled/#3fd4fb00673c

      People also have to remember not everyone playing or participating is a millionaire. (But ones bank account shouldn’t factor into getting fairly paid in the middle of a pandemic from billionaires who would still get paid.)

      1. I agree. It is a tactic many in management use. I agree. Players do share some responsibility as too many see entitled.

  2. I was listening to sports talk radio yesterday and the topic was if players test positive, should the season be temporarily stopped or continue on as scheduled.

  3. Will find out today what the players has to say about the plan being presented to them. Sports are slowly coming back during this pandemic with UFC NASCAR this Sunday Indy Car racing first weekend of June and for the golf fans out there Tiger Woods Peyton Manning VS Phil Mickelson Tom Brady on May 24th.

    1. This is awesome!!! I love this tune by Paul Simon and the video with Chevy Chase.

      These kids are great!!! THANK YOU!

    1. I think no one can have a clue.

      As an aside…..I have always detested the term new normal. And that was well before this. Life changes all of the time. It is normal.

      1. I’ve seen a lot of people have a visceral reaction to the phrase “new normal.” One governor said he likes to call it “temporary normal” instead.

        1. I like that better but it is sort of like saying the weather is normal. Normal is whatever we are having at a moment. Not sure why it has always bothered me

      1. Followed by “DO OVER,” then if it all fails to contain the virus the “I GIVE UP” phase.

        1. I think the administration should have phase:


          And if you don’t know what that means
          it is Bleeped If I Know

  4. My son got his Antibody test this afternoon. It was a full blood draw at a private lab and he won’t have the results for about 3 days.

    1. Agree. I’m confused by the low numbers of tests. It would be one thing if Massachusetts had a good test positivity number, but it has one of the worst on the Eastern Seaboard. Also, the numbers of people in ICU are stubbornly high. Lower than last week, but only by a small number.

      1. Does this in any way reflect Sunday and Mother’s Day being maybe low test day? Or is that in the past?

        1. It’s a very good question. Sunday’s numbers of tests have been lower every week. Mother’s Day may have lowered them further still.

  5. Today’s numbers across U.S. show the typical Tuesday bump, a back to reality so to speak, as numbers of new cases will likely surpass yesterday’s, and deaths already have. This said, it’s still going to be a better Tuesday than the last 5. Tomorrow and Thursday’s numbers are crucial. If we continue to see better numbers than previous Wednesdays and Thursdays, the trend line is more definitive.

    Illinois’s numbers are very concerning. It has blown past Massachusetts and is surging in terms of cases and deaths on 8 of the last 10 days. The Midwest generally has seen some spikes and worrisome trends. Northeast, on the other hand, is looking much better.

    1. True. I thought Fauci was very clear in his messaging, and really good with answers.

      My only issue is that it would seem that his talk of “reopening” doesn’t fully consider the range of options. Reopening the way Vermont, Connecticut, and Rhode Island are doing won’t, in my humble opinion, cause a significant spike in cases.

      Also, although we don’t know the impact of weather it’s probable that summer sunlight and heat and the fact that people are outdoors more would mitigate against spikes in cases.

      Finally, we can and should learn from what Denmark, Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands are doing regarding reopening. It’s cautious, prudent, and managed. Denmark’s been reopening very gradually for 3 weeks. Data does not suggest increases in cases. In fact, cases there have stabilized during the time period. Treading water isn’t great, but it’s also not terrible.
      safe to presume it

    1. Thanks love a laugh before sleep…I think it was a laugh so I’m going with that.

      Sleep well all

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